Аккорды Claudio Barguena - The Hope Of Those Who Wait

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 07 Января 2025г.
Просмотров: 5
[Verse 1]
Oh my soul to you I say
G         A              D
Don't forget to watch and pray
In the shadows there is nothing
G         A             D
Worth pursuing that can save

        G             D
To make beauty out of ashes
         Bm           A
And turn sorrow into praise
     Bm        A      G
Only Je - sus you can trust in
Em7      A                 D
He's the hope of those who wait

[Verse 2]
Oh my soul look to your saviour
G         A               D
Turn your eyes to nothing else
In his promises there's restin'
G       A             D
In his love a warm embrace

        G             D
To make beauty out of ashes
         Bm           A
And turn sorrow into praise
     Bm        A      G
Only Je - sus you can trust in
Em7      A                 D
He's the hope of those who wait

D          G   A
D          G   A
Bm        Em7  A   D

         G              D
To bring light into the darkness
           Bm              A
And let my captive soul go free
     Bm        A      G
Only Je - sus you can trust in
Em7      A                 D
He's the hope of those who wait
Музыка выражает то, что нельзя выразить словами и то, о чем нельзя молчать (Виктор Гюго)
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