Аккорды Dandelion - Weird-Out
Detune all strings one whole step % - rest x - muted note \ - slide down | - repeat chord ~ - vibrato / - slide up q - quarter bend intro 3-1---3-4---4-6---6-8-8-8-8-1---3-4---4-6---5-4-4-4-4-- 4-2---4-5---5-7---7-9-9-9-9-2---4-5---5-7---6-5-5-5-5-- 5-2-%-4-5-%-5-7-%-7-9-9-9-9-2-%-4-5-%-5-7-%-6-5-5-5-5-- 6-0---2-3---3-5---5-7-7-7-7-0---2-3---3-5---4-3-3-3-3-- fill 1 - play as octaves during verse, with root on fifth string 4-12--12-12-11--11-11-12--12-12-13-13-13-13-- 5-12--12-12-11--11-11-12--12-12-13-13-13-13-- 6-10--10-10-9---9--9--10--10-10-11-11-11-11-- verse - play clean 3-----------4/6---6/8-8-8-8-- -----3/4---4/6---5\4-4-4-4-- 4-2---4/5---x-x-%-x-x-x-x-x-- -2---x/x-%-x/x-%-x\x-x-x-x-- 5-2-%-x-x-%-2/4---4/6-6-6-6-- -2-%-1/2---2/4---3\2-2-2-2-- 6-0---2/3-------------------- -0-------------------------- fill 2 - clean 3-4---6/7---7/9---8\7-7-7-7-- 4-x-%-x/x-%-x/x-%-x\x-x-x-x-- 5-2---4/5---5/7---6\5-5-5-5-- chorus - play first half of intro fill 3 3-13\-- 4-x---- 5-11\-- bridge 3-13--------------6-------8----- 4(14)-------------7-------9----- 5-14-x16----------7-x8----9-x8-- 6-12--------------5-------7----- fill 4 fill 5 3-4-4-3-4-- -5----6----- 4-5-5-4-5-- -6----7----- 5-5-5-4-5-- -6-x8-7-x4-- 6-3-3-2-3-- -4----5----- outro riff 1 ~ 4--------------------------------- -7-7-7---- 5-----5--6--7--------------------- -7-7-7-%-- 6-/7----------0-0-0-3---0-5q---0-- -5-5-5---- then mute the strings and strum some artificial harmonics outro riff 2 - play second half of intro, with a distorted fill 2 I fill the pothole in my mind Sounds strange I know, but I feel better Fill the last bowl of the night It's not much I know but it's a start I'll be the ashtray if you like I'll come undone won't even try I'll do whatever turns you on Freak out, how cool, _ Weird me out _ everyone _ having fun/Never had so much fun It's just not cool you know?/It's just too cool you know? You know I'll be the asshole for a while It's hard I know but I don't mind You can be the asshole later on It's cool I know that you'll
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