Аккорды Daniel Lounsbury - What Is Hate Worth

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 07 Января 2025г.
Просмотров: 4

1: B(b6): 22100x

2: Em: 022000

3: Am: 002210

4: F(Fmaj7): x03210

5: C: x32010

6: D7: xx0212


Em Am B Em (x2)

[Verse 1]

Em           Am           B            Em
Now one mans folly is the fault of his own
            Am                 B           Em
His foolish ways will skin him down to the bone
                                       F       Em
But will you be the one who brings him on back up
                   Am        B           Em
Or will the be the evil that empties his cup

[Thematic Refrain]

Am                        D7
Turn the other cheek, and love not yourself
        G                     C
For the pride of a man is his destruction as well
       Am                        Em
Out of love Chirst died, for the sins of the earth
      Am                       B            Em
So if that is the case tell me what is hate worth.

Em Am B Em (x2)

[Verse 2]

   Em         Am        B           Em
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
             Am             B           Em
The greed of hate is such a wicked half-truth
                       Am           F           Em
Cause when you're done hating, well all that is left
     Em         Am         B       Em
Is a shell of a man who is forever bereft

[Thematic Refrain]

Am                        D7
Turn the other cheek, and love not yourself
        G                     C
For the pride of a man is his destruction as well
       Am                        Em
Out of love Chirst died, for the sins of the earth
      Am                       B            Em
So if that is the case tell me what is hate worth.

Em Am B Em (x2)


        Em        Am        B                Em
So dont live your life with contempt in your heart
            Em           Am         B            Em
Because the day that you die is the day that you start
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