Аккорды Dr. Tabouli - I Would Eat Up Your Brains

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 07 Января 2025г.
Просмотров: 8
G      320033
G/F#   2X0033
Em     022000
C      X32010
D      XX0232

        G                     G/F#  Em
I would eat up your brains, I would drink from your veins
     C                D                  G
If I didn’t think the drink would do you damage
      G                                  G/F# Em
After all we’ve been through, I couldn’t feel closer to you
     C              D              G
If I ate you up and held you in my body

     C                  D
With some I’ve tried to live through lies,
             G         G/F# Em
Yes, there’s some best left forgotten
C                D                Em
 But with you my life has been so good
    C                    D
You tease me, and you’re cheesy,
        G             G/F#     Em
and you please me and spoil me rotten
        C                              D
And you know the kind of love I dig is spicy and au gratin

        G                     G/F#  Em
I would eat up your brains, I would drink from your veins
     C                D                  G  G/F#  Em
If I didn’t think the drink would do you damage
     C                D                  G
If I didn’t think the drink would do you damage
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