Аккорды Genesis - Throwing It All Away

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 07 Января 2025г.
Просмотров: 10

Need I say I love you
C            F/C
Need I say I care
C            F/C
Need I say that emotion's,
C               F/C
Something we don't share
C                  F/C
I don't want to be sitting here
Fsus4              F
trying to deceive you
C           F/C
Cos you know I know baby
C                   F/C
I don't wanna go.
Fsus4         F

We cannot live together
We cannot live apart
That's the situation
I've known it from the start
Every time that I look at you
I can see the future
Cos you know I know baby
I don't wanna go.

F/G               F/C               Fsus4                F/C

Throwing it all    away
            Fsus4   F
Throwing it all    away
            Fsus4   F

F/G               F/C               Fsus4                F/C

Is there nothing that I      can say
                      Fsus4  F
To make you change your mind
I watch the world go round and round
  C                  F/C       C
And see mine turning upside down          whoa  whoa   whoa  whoa whoa whoa
    C                F/C    C             C     F/C    C     F/C

You're throwing it all away.              whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa
                       C                  F/C  C    F/C
Who will light up the darkness
Who will hold your hand
Who will find you the answers
When you don't understand
Why should I have to be the one
Who has to convince you
Cos you know I know baby
That I don't wanna go.

Some day you'll be sorry
Someday when you're free
Memories will remind you
That our love was meant to be
Late at night when you call my name
The only sound you'll hear
Is the sound of your voice calling
Calling after me.

Just throwing it all away
Throwing it all away
And there's nothing I can say  ay ay      oh oh....
You're throwing it all away.

C      x 3 2 0 1 x
F/C    x 3 3 2 1 x
F      x x 3 2 1 1
F/G    x x 3 2 1 3 
Fsus4  x x 3 3 1 1
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