Аккорды Grateful Dead - Box of Rain

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 07 Января 2025г.
Просмотров: 4
Bm7/A  x00202

A   Bm7/A   A   Asus4

[Verse 1]
 D           Am 
Look out of any window
 Em           C                G 
Any morning, any evening, any day
 D         Am 
Maybe the sun is shining
 Em                    G                      A 
Birds are winging, no rain is falling from a heavy sky

 D           G                Am             Em      D 
What do you want me to do, to do for you to see you through?
     C               D                   Am             G 
For this is all a dream we dreamed, one afternoon long ago

[Verse 2]
 D           Am 
Walk out of any doorway
 Em             C                            G 
Feel your way, feel your way like the day before
 D            Am 
Maybe you'll find direction
Around some corner where
 G                    A 
It's been waiting to meet you

 D            G 
What do you want me to do?
    Am                         Em     D 
To watch for you while you're sleeeeeeeeping?
      Am                  C                  G            D 
Then please don't be surprised when you find me dreaming too.

G Am Em C A D
G Am Em G D Em A

[Verse 3]
 D         Am 
Look into any eyes
 Em               C                            G 
You find by you, you can see clear to another day
 D          Am                  Em 
Maybe been seen before through other eyes
     G                     A 
On other days while going home

 D            G               Am              Em       D 
What do you want me to do, to do for you, to see you through?
      C               Em                D           G 
It's all a dream we dreamed, one after-noon long a-go

[Verse 4]
 D              Am              Em 
Walk into splintered sunlight, inch your way through
 C                      G 
Dead dreams to another land
 D             Am                    Em 
Maybe you're tired and broken, your tongue is twisted with
 G                      A 
Words half-spoken and thoughts unclear

 D            G               Am              Em       D 
What do you want me to do, to do for you, to see you through?
   Am               C                  G                  D 
A box of rain will ease the pain, and love will see you through.

[Verse 5]
 G                   Am       Em 
Just a box of rain, wind and water
    C               A               D 
Be-lieve it if you need it, if you don't, just pass it on.
 G               Am       Em 
Sun and shower, wind and rain
 G               D             Em            A 
In and out the window, like a moth before a flame

 A        D             Em 
And it's just a box of rain
 Em       G               D 
I don't know who put it there;
 D                 Bm          G               A 
Believe it if you need it, or leave it if you dare.

 A        D             Em 
And it's just a box of rain
 Em     G             D 
Or a ribbon for your hair
Such a long, long time to be gone
       G                 D 
And a short time to be there.

D   C   G   D   Asus4
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