Аккорды Grateful Dead - Let It Grow

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 07 Января 2025г.
Просмотров: 2
  10   8            10   8             12   10               6 5       
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     I                 C                  D*                 A7 

  9     6           9   7                7   5              9   7       
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    II                 Bm7                A*                III
                                                    (some kind of E chord)      
    9   7             7   5              7   5              9   7
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     B                D**                A**                 Em

    5   3             4   2            5     2  
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   C**               Bm                  IV     

   10   8            12  10             12  10                5 4       
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   C***              G**                D***                 V  

      7 6          10     7              7   5              5   3
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     VI               VII               VIII                IX  
                               (A suspended something) (same thing with G)

    5   3       

 I              I                                  II           II    
Morning comes, she follows the path to the river shore.
 I              I                                     II         II
Like the sun, her song is the latch on the morning's door.
 I           С*  
See the sun sparkle in the reeds;
 I            С*                  Bm7  D*  
Silver beads fasten to the seeds.
 D*                                 D*                        A*         A*  
She comes from the town where she's known as the woodcutter's daughter,
 A 7                              A7                        D*          D*  
She's brown as the bank where she kneels down to gather her water,
 D*                        D*                      Bm7  
She bears it away with the love that the river has taught her.
 I            I            С*             III
Let it flow, let it flow, wide and clean.
 I                      I                                 II
'Round and 'round, the cut of the plough and the furrowed field
 I                    I                             II
Seasons 'round, the bushels of corn and the barley meal
 I             С*  
Broken ground, open and beckoning
 I             С*                     Bm7   D*  
To the stream, black dirt live again!
 D*                           D*                         A*       A*  
The ploughman is broad as the back of the land that he's sowing
 A7                       A7                       D*       D*          
As he dances the circular track of his plough ever knowing
 D*                                D*                              Bm7
That the work of his days measures more than just the planting and growing.
 I           I            II            III     
Let it grow, let it grow, let me heal.

III            B            D**    A**   Em
What shall we say, shall we call it by a name?
C**                  G*     Bm
As well to count the angels dancing on a pin.
III   B             D**      A**      Em
Water bright as the sky from which it came
D**                                   A**  
Its name is on the earth and takes it in
   G*                 IV               Em       D**  
It will not speak but stand inside the rain.
C**    G*     Bm      Em
Listen to the thunder shout
I     I     С*  

        -INSTRUMENTAL (follows chords of first verse once through)
I              I                                 II             II
So it goes, we make what we make since the world began,
I                     I                      II         
Nothing more than the love of woman, and the work of man.
I               С*  
Seasons 'round, creatures great and small,
I            C**                   Bm7   D*  
Up and down, as they rise and fall
D*              C***      G**      D***  (play twice as long as D*  ,
Rise and fall.                          then continue the pattern of 
                                        the last three chords for a
                                        while until)...

I  I  I  II (repeat three measures of I, one measure II another while
until) ...

V   VI   VII, V   VI   VII, V   VI   VII   VII (jam on this for awhile, then)

VIII    A**      IX    G**    (repeat 4X)



The final jam is just like the first, only it starts from the I  I  I  II 
part, ending with a slow fade on the III chord.
Без музыки жизнь была бы заблуждением (Ницше)
Мы стремимся к созданию контента, соответствующего всем нормам законодательства и уважающего интеллектуальную собственность. Мы также придаем большое значение тому, чтобы не задеть никого и не оскорбить чьи-либо чувства. Если у вас есть вопросы или претензии по размещенному материалу, пожалуйста, сообщите нам об этом на указанный адрес электронной почты: complaint@rush-sound.ru.