Аккорды Hannah Nideya - Stokie Sweet
[Intro] A D Fm A [Verse 1] A When you come to see me D I know I won't sleep alone A We say it's cuz it's December D But even when it's not cold Fm oh you cling to me A There's nothing erotic D When we are not in our clohtes A But you're a safe human being D that I get to hold close Fm For the intimacy Em7 [Chorus] Bb It's not sex that we crave G just someone who knows my middle name Bb Who knows my secrets F and who keeps Em them [Verse 2] A I didn't make the guest bed D I know that there's no point A Just bring the bottles upstais D And we'll spark another joint Fm And I'll sing to you A We are both exotic D To our respective spheres A To us we're a replacement home D Familiar face that's dear Fm Clearly shining through Em7 [Chorus] Bb3 It's not love that we make G We've got that - platonic and in spades Bb See you know the real me F and you Em Feel me [Outro] D we're the most unlikely mates Dm And I G Wouldn't ahve it any other way G C6 You are my darling. My darling
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