Аккорды Indigo Girls - Strange Fire

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 07 Января 2025г.
Просмотров: 8
E  A(9)  E  A(9)

  E                         A(9)           E               A(9)
I come to you with strange fire, I make an offering of love
    E              A(9)                 E               A(9)
The incense of my soul is burned by the fire in my blood
  E                   A(9)          E                          A(9)
I come with a softer answer to the questions that lie in your path
          E                    A(9)         E                  A(9)
I want to harbor you from the anger, find a refuge from the wrath

D(9)           E/A     D(9)            E/A
   This is a message,      a message of love
D(9)                        E/A         D(9)                  E/A
   Love that moves from the inside out,     love that never grows tired
B(4)                         A                E    A(9)  E   A(9)
   I come to you (I come to you) with strange fire,      fire

Mercenaries of the shrine, now who are you to speak for god?
With haughty eyes and lying tongues and hands that shed innocent blood
Now who delivered you the power to interpret calvary?
You gamble away our freedom to gain your own authority

D(9)              E/A                                D(9)              E/A
   Find another state of mind, you know it's time we all learned to grab hold
D(9)            E/A [tacet]              E    A(9)  E   A(9)
   Strange fire burns with the motion of love,      love

E      A(9)    E      A(9)      E      A(9)    E   A(9)
[guitar solo]
D(9)   E/A     D(9)   E/A       D(9)   E/A     B(4)   A
[guitar solo]
E                    A(9)     E                    A(9)
Ah ah ahhh, ah ah ah ahhhhh;  Ah ah ahhh, ah ah ah ahhhhh

When you learn to love yourself, you will dissolve all the stones that are cast
You will learn to burn the icing sky and to melt the waxen mask
I said to have the gift of true release, this is a peace gonna take you higher
Oh I come to you with my offering, I bring you strange fire

This is a message, a message of love
Love that moves from the inside out, love that never grows tired
B(4)                         A                E    A(9)  E   A(9)   E     A(9)
   I come to you (I come to you) with strange fire,      fire,      ahh...ahhh
B(4)                         A                E    A(9)  E   A(9)  E.
   I come to you (I come to you) with strange fire__________________

CHORDS: E = 022100        A(9) = x07600 (slide up from E)
        D(9) = x00230     E/A = x02100 (same as Amaj9)
        B(4) = x24440 (I think Emily plays x99800)     A = x02220

The chords for the verse follow this strumming pattern, alternating
between E & A(9), which is a really easy transition.  The rhythm is
sorta tricky, but you should be able to get it right with a little
practice.  (The funny symbols are semi-quavers and such.)
 |\          |\      |\  |\          |\      |\  |\  |\  |\  |\
 |           |       |\  |           |       |\  |\  |\  |\  |\
O|.         O|      O|  O|.         O|      O|  O|  O|  O|  O|
 1       -       2       -       3       -       4       -

The strumming pattern for the D(9) and E/A chords in the chorus goes
like this:
 |\      |\  |\      |\  |\  |\      |\  |\  |\      |\  |\  |\
 |       |\  |       |\  |\  |       |\  |\  |       |\  |\  |\
O|      O|  O|      O|  O|  O|      O|  O|  O|      O|  O|  O|
 1       -       2       -       3       -       4       -
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