Аккорды Indigo Girls - The Water Is Wide
This is the Indigo Girls' version with Bonnie Raitt (sp?), and pretty much the same as the Indigo Purple Parrot version. Chords: A x0222x A5 x02200 Esus x2220x E x2210x Picking Pattern e ------------------------------ B -------2-3-2----------2---2--- G -----2-------2------2---2---2- D ---2--------------2----------- A -0--------------0------------- E ------------------------------ The above diagram depicts the picking pattern used for the entire song, using the "A" chord as an example. Just play the correct strings in the right order with each chord, and voila!, you have yourself this song. *verse one* A the water is wide, I can't cross over A5 Esus and neither I E have wings to fly A5 A give me a boat that can carry two A And we both shall row, my love and I *verse two* A my love is gentle, and love is kind A5 Esus the sweetest flower E when first it blooms A5 A but love grows old A and waxes cold A and fades away like morning dew *verse three* A there is a ship that sails the sea A5 she's loaded deep Esus E as deep can be A5 A but not as deep as the love I made A I know not how to sink or swim *play one full verse as this is The Bridge* *verse four* A the water is wide, I can't cross over A5 Esus and neither I E have wings to fly A5 give me a boat A that can carry two A and both shall row, my love and I A and both shall row A my love and I
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