Аккорды Kiss - Sure Know Something
Добавлено: | @romashka |
Дата добавления: | 08 Января 2025г. |
Рейтинг: | |
Просмотров: | 4 |
This song is not too hard, but the bass riff that Gene Simmons plays is just totally cool. This is my first attempt at tab, so it may be a little rough. You are going to have to listen to the recording for the 'feel.' The song begins with: G|------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------| D|------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------| A|-7\---|--7-5---5-7--|--7-5--------|-------------|-------------| E|------|------7------|------7-3-5--|--5-3-0-3-5--|--5-3-0-3-7--| G|-------------|-------------|-------------| D|-------------|--7-5--------|----------5--| A|--5-7-5------|------7-5-7--|--------5----| E|--------7-5--|-------------|--3-5-3------| and this is repeated throughout the song (except for the opening slide). This riff changes slightly just before the chorus, with the last bar in the above changing to: G|-----------------------------------| D|-----------------------------------| A|--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-3-3-5--| E|-----------------------------------| Simmons spices this up this riff by adding hammer-ons and slides in certain places, but this is enough to start with. From what I can tell, the chorus riff is as follows: G|-------------|-------------|-----------|-------------------| D|-------------|-------------|-----------|-------------------| A|--5-3-2-0-2--|--5-3-2-0-2--|--3-2-0----|--3-2-0-------(5)--| E|-------------|-------------|--------3--|--------3-(0)------| This is repeated 2 times (in the first chorus), and then the last time there is a variation: G|-------------|-------------|-------------|-----------| D|-------------|-------------|-------------|-----------| A|--5-3-2-0-2--|--5-----0-2--|--3-2-0---3--|--5--------| E|-------------|----0-2------|--------3----|-----------| He changes the order of the riffs in latter choruses, but I think you get the point. This may not be exact, but it is as close as I can come to the actual riff. The only other part of the song that is different is the 'ah-ah-ah' part and the last verse. All Simmons does here is pump on the root notes, which in this case are E-A-B-A-E, where the E sounds like the low E.
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