Аккорды Manic Street Preachers - Faster
Добавлено: | @romashka |
Дата добавления: | 07 Января 2025г. |
Рейтинг: | |
Просмотров: | 6 |
CHORDS : E e D = x00232 G#5 = 466xxx F#5 = 244xxx E5 = 022xxx G# = x/11/13/13/x/x F# = x/9/11/11/x/x E* = x799xx E = 0221000 D = x577xx C# = x466xx B = x244xx Em11 = x/x/x12/12/12 in 3 rapid bursts after the chorus INTRO The intro is something like : e---------17--17--17--17-------------| b------------------------------------| g-----------14--14--14--14--16-------| d-------------------------------14---| The verse is a continuous riff over an A chord in the background. Play the D# on the A string 6th fret} Both palm muted by picking hand Followed by the A string open} in this rythmn : Riff 1 G-|-----------|---------------|-----------|-------------------------| D-|-6---------|-6-------------|-6---------|-6-----------------------| A-|---0--0--0-|---0-0--0-0--0-|---0--0--0-|---0--0------------------| E-|-----------|---------------|-----------|---------------5-6-7-0*--| *<------ this occurs at the end of each lyric line VERSE : Riff 1 * I am an architect, they call me a butcher Riff 1 * I am an pioneer, they call me primative Riff 1 * I am purity, they call me perverted Riff 1 Holding you but I only miss these things when they leave **BRIDGE** D I am idiot drug hive, the virgin the G#5 F#5 E5 G#5 F#5 E5 tattered and the torn D Life is for the cold made warm G#5 F#5 E5 G#5 F#5 E5 and they are just lizards D E I've been too honest with myself I should have lied like everybody else **CHORUS** Is a version of A, played in the following phrase, with the strings held permentantly on fret 9 and 10 and hammering on/off on 11 with 3rd and little fingers. Listen to the record for the rythmn : Riff 2 E---x----x----x A---0----0----0 D---11---9----9 G---11---9----9 B---10---10---10 e---x----x----x (repeat to rythmn) Riff 2 G#5* F#5* I am stronger than Mensa, Miller and Mail - er E* D C# B E I spat out Plath and Pinter Riff 2 I am all the things that you regret G# F# E* D C# B Em11 The truth that wash - es that learned how to spell (The run of 5 chords above can also be played just on the one string; it's not entirely clear from the record but this is how it's reproduced live).
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