Аккорды Megadeth - Almost Honest

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 07 Января 2025г.
Просмотров: 2
guitar/bass/drum tab)



                                  I lied just a little

when I said I need you.  You stretched the truth  when you

said that you knew

Just can't believe it.            There's nothing to say

I was almost honest        almost
gtr 1
gtr 2

                             Living alone can't stand this place
gtr 1            

gtr2                             =================4x=========

It's four in the morning and I still see your face
gtr 1

gtr 2 (cont)

I was nearly pure when I said I loved you.  You were semi sincere,
when you said I'd bleed for you.

gtr 1                                            ============

gtr 1
======================================fig B

2nd Verse (play fig B)
with fills:

You were almost honest    almost



Chorus (play same chorus)
Living alone, falling from grace I want to atone
but theres just empty space
can't face tomorrow now you're not coming back
walked off in the night and just left me the tracks


I question your call by the tone of your voice
I know I should hang up but I don't have a choice
It happened that night whe you told me to go
Don't ask who's to blame I don't know.

Fig 3========================================================



-----9--------9------9---------play fig 3

Lead (w/fig 2 7x)















==============================play til end

I was almost honest

almost honest. etc.,



-------0---fade out

h = hammeron                    x = ghost note
p = pulloff                     b = bend
/\ = slide                     rb = release bend
t  tap                         tr = trill

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