Аккорды Bendigo Fletcher - Retail Lord

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 26 Апреля 2024г.
Просмотров: 33
ATTENTION: All chords for 4 beats OR count the *

[Verse 1]
  G                          C                 Am          C
I dreamed we worked in the department store, together in 1987
G                                    C
  in the middle of an aisle, we were dueling swords
        Am                  C
for the title of immaculate retail lord
         Am                   C
from the back of house to the blood on the floor.
   G                  C                   Am
My   left ear was up against your lips as you
pinned me back into a rack of padded shoulders.
G                      C
  You whispered as the lights went out:
Am                       C
  "Be free forever baby,   your shift is over".

G              Am                   C                     Em
  If there was ever such a feckless thing as night in the afternoon,
G                       Am                  C                       Em
  still I might stretch   out the saltwater   taffied ends of every hour with you.
G                Am               G                        Am
  I'm in another fit of laughter,   the speed at which the morning after
slips into the consciousness of the night,
  F*                                            Am        Am
seasonally shifting the limbs of our lives into action.

| G              | C              | Am             | C              |
| G              | C              | Am             | C              |

[Verse 2]
    G                        C
The colors of the world that go together best are the
Am                      C                   G
deep evergreens and the reds of the robin’s breast.
                C                        Am
My teacher is a   common creature that's never even spoken or
heard a word of English.
G                 C                Am                  C
  Breakfast is an   edible calling card that serves to bridge our dimensions.
G             C                     Am                       C*
  My phone is   out in the yard and I'm feeling younger from paying attention.

G              Am                   C                     Em
  If there was ever such a feckless thing as night in the afternoon,
G                       Am                  C                       Em
  still I might stretch   out the saltwater   taffied ends of every hour with you.
G                Am               G                        Am
  I'm in another fit of laughter,   the speed at which the morning after
slips into the consciousness of the night,
  F*                                            Am        Am
seasonally shifting the limbs of our lives into action.
F*                                              Am        Am
seasonally shifting the limbs of our lives into action.

| G              | C              | Am             | C              |
| G              | C              | Am             | C              |
| G              | C              | Am             | C              |
| G              | C              | Am             | C              |
| G              ||		
Но если и музыка нас оставит, что будет тогда с нашим миром? (Гоголь)
Мы стремимся к созданию контента, соответствующего всем нормам законодательства и уважающего интеллектуальную собственность. Мы также придаем большое значение тому, чтобы не задеть никого и не оскорбить чьи-либо чувства. Если у вас есть вопросы или претензии по размещенному материалу, пожалуйста, сообщите нам об этом на указанный адрес электронной почты: [email protected].