Аккорды Billy Connolly - Glasgow Central

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 13 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 42
ATTENTION: You are experienced? Then you don't have to use Capo. USE TRANSPOSE BUTTON +.
ATTENTION: All chords for 4 beats OR count the *

[Intro] (Keep playing while Intro-Lyrics)
| D           |

[Verse 1] (Starts on youtube 0:37)
     A                D
Last train to Glasgow Central,
     A                D
last train to Glasgow Central.
           G**        G/F#*  G/E*
You better catch this one
and you better have a ticket 'cos here's the man.
              A       A            D
Biddie biddie bum bum   to Glasgow Central.

[Verse 2]
               A                  D
We had a great time, you couldn't wack it
             A                   D
spent all my money and pawned my jacket.
           G**         G/F#* G/E*
And on the train, gain hame
      D                                           A** D***
I was hidin' in the lavi when the ticket man came.
              A        A            D
Biddie biddie bell bum   to Glasgow Central.

[Verse 1] (Reprise)
     A                D
Last train to Glasgow Central,
     A                D
last train to Glasgow Central.
           G**        G/F#*  G/E*
You better catch this one
and you better have a ticket 'cos here's the man.
              A       A            D***
Biddie biddie bum bum   to Glasgow Central.
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