Аккорды Dairybeat - Flower Of Scotland

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 05 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 37


   D                                A         A7     D
Oh flower of Scotland, when will we see  your like a-gain.
     G          D              A       A7       D
That fought and died for, your wee bit hill and glen.
                             G       D
And stood against him, proud Edwards army,     
    G        D             C       D
and sent him homeward, tae think a-gain.


    D                              A          A7        D
The hills are bare now, and autumn leaves lie thick and still.
    G            D               A        A7     D
Our land that is lost now, which those so dearly held.
                              G       D
That stood against him, proud Edwards ar my,     
    G        D             C       D
and sent him homeward, tae think a-gain.


      D                               A         A7      D
Those days are passed now, and in the past they must re-main.
    G            D             A      A7       D
But we can still rise now, and be the nation a-gain.
                              G       D
That stood against him, proud Edwards army,     
    G        D             C       D
and sent him homeward, tae think a-gain.


   D                                A         A7     D
Oh flower of Scotland, when will we see  your like a-gain.
     G          D              A       A7       D
That fought and died for, your wee bit hill and glen.
                             G       D
And stood against him, proud Edwards army,     
    G        D             C       D
and sent him homeward, tae think a-gain.


    D                              A          A7        D
The hills are bare now, and autumn leaves lie thick and still.
    G            D               A        A7     D
Our land that is lost now, which those so dearly held.


   D                                A         A7     D
Oh flower of Scotland, when will we see  your like a-gain.
     G          D              A       A7       D
That fought and died for, your wee bit hill and glen.
                             G       D
And stood against him, proud Edwards army,     
    G        D             C       D
and sent him homeward, tae think a-gain.
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