Аккорды Dom Ellis - Making Mistakes

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 10 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 64
Am  Em  F  C
Am  Em  F  C

[Verse 1]
Am            Em              F       C
Screaming and hollering won’t fix anything
Am          Em         F                 C
Losing your hell won’t make you look the same
Am        Em      F              C
Loving or caring, anger's in the way
         Am          Em        F             C
And your only option boy is to run and hide away

Am                 Em     F          C
Yelling till their little lungs turn blue
          Am     Em             F                  C
And their only excuse, they got pushed through and through
Am     Em           F                  C
No hesitation, your heart drops to the floor
Am                  Em              F        C
Hearing that from a loved one hurts more and more

Am  Em  F         C
        Making mistakes
Am  Em  F         C
        Making mistakes

[Verse 2]
Am          Em            F       C
Drinking is gonna be your only healing
    Am       Em                  F         C
The buzz the loneliness and your failing ambitions
Am                      Em              F            C
Praying the past is the only thing that you'll be missing
  Am            Em                       F               C
Except for that one thing you said you’d take back in an instant
   Am        Em        F                C
Forgiving is hard they tore your heart apart
         Am             Em             F              C
It’s the right thing to do, you should do it from the start

Am  Em  F         C
        Making mistakes
Am  Em  F         C
        Making mistakes

[Verse 3]
Am          Em             F              C
Fathers are there to put a roof over your head
Am         Em           F                  C
Fussing at you when you haven’t got out of bed
Am          Em       F        C
Mothers are there to love and share
   Am        Em          F           C
Support your dreams when no one else cared

Am              Em  F                 C
There to love you   till you find the one
         Am          Em        F                  C
And even then loving you after all the bad you’ve done
       Am                  Em               F              C
You’ll end up marrying one like her, be the crazy that you know
Am                 Em        F                   C
Driving you up the walls and keeping you on your toes

Am N.C.   Em N.C.     F N.C.       C N.C.
Making mistakes is forever part of life
Am N.C.      Em N.C.             F N.C.      C N.C.
Not learning from them boys what holds you a-tight
Am N.C.       Em N.C     F N.C.          C N.C.
Life will get harder and harder down the line
Am N.C.           Em N.C.        F N.C.  C
just keep pushing boy and you’ll do just fine

Am  Em  F         C
        Making mistakes
Am  Em  F         C
        Making mistakes
Am  Em  F         C
        Making mistakes
Am  Em  F         C
        Making mistakes

Am  Em  F  Am
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