Аккорды Floyd Marsden - Butterfly Effect

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 13 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 30
Dmaj7  Bbmaj7  G  Gm

Dmaj7              Bbmaj7
 Batman super hero cape
G                                Gm
Running past our favourite worst cafe
Dmaj7                     Bbmaj7
Solemn waffling on by the sea
G                             Gm
With a duty to let them sleep easy
Dmaj7                    Bbmaj7
 Alex Turner through the speakers in the car
    G                     Gm
Dedications on stage in a lounge bar
Dmaj7                    Bbmaj7
Waiting for the waves to part
G                            Gm
Bluetooth connection to your heart
Dmaj7                     Bbmaj7
Drifting off while you're being held
    G                             Gm     G5 F5
The slightest improvements of the self

     Eb                      D7
They asked me, "what are you going to call
     Fmaj7     G         N.C
This brave new concept?"
Eb                      D7          Fmaj7        G
  And in my head it was all one big butterfly effect

Dmaj7  Bbmaj7  G  Gm

Dmaj7                       Bbmaj7
 Haven't seen you since the last time
     G                             Gm
Volunteered to put yourself at the back of the line
    Dmaj7            Bbmaj7
But look at you now, falling again
  G                         Gm
I know that face and you're trying to pretend
           Dmaj7                 Bbmaj7
That those hour long drives just come naturally
       G                       Gm         G5 F5
But it looks a little gay to a freak like me

     Eb                      D7
They asked me, "what are you going to call
     Fmaj7     G         N.C
This brave new concept?"
Eb                      D7  G   F   Cmaj7     Dmaj7
  And in my head it was all one big butterfly effect

A5 A7 F

A7                       Fmaj7
 A bunch of flowers in a drinking glass
A7                      Fmaj7
 Your sentimentality is driving right back
       Cmaj7       A
You're not who you used to be

Emaj7  Cmaj7  A  Amin

Emaj7               Cmaj7
  Batman super hero cape
A                                Am
Running past our favourite worst cafe
Emaj7            Cmaj7     A
   Used to be so cynical
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