Аккорды Glen Campbell - Call It Even

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 25 Сентября 2024г.
Просмотров: 0
Verse 1

          E            C#m                A                   
There are times in the darkness I have forgotten
        E          C#m      E          A
How the LORD of my life, HE carries my pain
       E             C#m                 A
when I bring HIM the wrong that tries to consume me
   E                 C#m    F#m
HE forgives me, unmeasured again and again
    B         A  C#m  E  B
And calls it even, 
            A    C#m  B  F#m  B
HE calls it even.

Verse 2

        E          C#m             A
When HE adds up my progress it all comes to nothin'
       E             C#m           B           A
But HE leads me with mercy in that place in my road
        E       C#m                 A
Then HE reaches beyond bringin' me closer
           C#m                    B
And never counting the miles that I missed the goal
                A    C#m  B             A    C#m  B
And HE calls it even,       HE calls it even.


    G           A         B           E
May I bring him gifts and HE gives me grace
  G            A          B          B7    E
I bring HIM confusion, HE sets me in place

C#m A  

A           E    C#m B A E C#m A B C#m B
HE calls it even

Verse 3

B      E           C#m              A
When I give HIM my best it's all or nothin'
         E              C#m               E         A
But it's black and it's white and there's no middle ground
         E         C#m                  A
Will the sum of my life be all that he wanted
        E           C#m            B
HE will balance the scales when HE hands me my crown
             A    C#m  E  B
And calls it even, 

                A   C#m  E  B
oh HE calls it even.
            A    C#m  B                A   C#m  E  B
HE calls it even,         HE calls it even.
                A    C#m B A E C#m B
yes HE calls it even, ohooh

A E C#m B A C#m   B A B C#m B A C#m  B A C#m B  F#m

 (yes HE calls it even, HE calls it even)
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