Аккорды Glen Campbell - Unto The Least Of These

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 26 Сентября 2024г.
Просмотров: 0

| Bm - D | Bm - A | Bm - D | G | G |

[Verse 1]
D             A            Bm          A
It’s cold and windy on the streets out-side
Lines are forming now
D              A    Bm           A
Meals to be ea-ten, beds to find
Hearts are warming now
Bm                 G
Love is given and love is received
D               Bm               A
A candle in the darkness because someone has believed
What Jesus said

D        A        Bm     D
Unto the least of these
         G                D           A
What you do for them, You also do for me
         Bm               A        D                     G    G
You must give of what you have, to be-come what you must be
         D                 A               D
You must give your love un-to the least of these

BmA |BmD | G | G |

[Verse 2]
D            A                Bm          A
It’s warm in-side the safe su-burban home
But souls are dying now

D            A              Bm            A
The sound of words unspoken drowning out
Sounds of crying now
Bm                  G
Love with-held is a love that disappears
     D         Bm               A
They do not care, because they can-not feel
What Jesus says

D        A        Bm     D
Unto the least of these
         G                D           A
What you do for them, You also do for me
         Bm               A               D               G    G
You must give of what you are, to be-come what you must be
         D                 A               D
You must give your love un-to the least of these

Hungry mouths to feed
F#m                        G
Thirsty souls in need, the naked clothed again
The sick in their distress
F#m                       G
The prisoner’s loneliness, strangers welcomed in
Bm A   G
Je-sus said ….

D        A        Bm     D
Unto the least of these
         G                D           A
What you do for them, You also do for me
         Bm               A        D                     G
You must give of what you are, to be-come what you must be
         D                 A               D
You must give your love un-to the least of these

Bm | F#m | G

         D                 A               D
You must give your love un-to the least of these
Но если и музыка нас оставит, что будет тогда с нашим миром? (Гоголь)
Мы стремимся к созданию контента, соответствующего всем нормам законодательства и уважающего интеллектуальную собственность. Мы также придаем большое значение тому, чтобы не задеть никого и не оскорбить чьи-либо чувства. Если у вас есть вопросы или претензии по размещенному материалу, пожалуйста, сообщите нам об этом на указанный адрес электронной почты: [email protected].