Аккорды Glitch Groove - Echoes Of Grace

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 12 Июля 2024г.
Просмотров: 41
G       D       Em      C

[Verse 1]
G                 D
My heart’s like the wind, a restless traveler,
Em                C
Across oceans of time, it sings in ripples.
G                     D
Beneath the starlight, it finds its way back,
Em                   C
To the shores of your grace, where all is still.

G              D
Oh, let me be like the river wide,
Em              C
Flowing with the grace you’ve shown.
G              D
In your eyes, a mirror of skies,
Em                 C
Reflecting the light that we’ve grown.

[Verse 2]
G                  D
Through whispers of night, and the dawn’s early light,
Em                 C
My path is painted in hues of your love.
G                D
Return like the waves, to the calm of your gaze,
Em                 C
In the harbor of arms, I belong.

G              D
Oh, let me be like the river wide,
Em              C
Flowing with the grace you’ve shown.
G              D
In your eyes, a mirror of skies,
Em                 C
Reflecting the light that we’ve grown.

Em               C
Where time stands still, under your will,
G                 D
And every heartache fades away.

G              D
Oh, let me be like the river wide,
Em              C
Flowing with the grace you’ve shown.
G              D
In your eyes, a mirror of skies,
Em                 C
Reflecting the light that we’ve grown.

G       D       Em      C
~       ~       ~       ~
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