Аккорды Goodnight, Texas - The Horse Accident (In Which a Girl Was All but Killed)

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 21 Марта 2024г.
Просмотров: 67
ATTENTION: You are experienced? Then you don't have to use Capo. USE TRANSPOSE BUTTON +3.
ATTENTION: You don't like Bm-chord? Then try also this version with Capo V (Transpose -2)
ATTENTION: All chords for 2 or 4 beats OR count the *

| G     D     | A     D     | G     D     | A     Bm    |
| G     D     | A     D     | G     D     | A   | D           |

[Verse 1]
G           D             A                  D
Appalachian dust from the horse that she was riding,
G               D                   A            D
made it hard to see her through the tepid summer air.
  G              D            A            D
I wore my finest derby hat to gather her attention
      G              D            A              D     D    D    D
and I wanted nothing more than to follow her somewhere.

[Verse 2]
   G               D                 A             D
It took her near a year to break the shackles of a past love,
G              D             A                  Bm
  I said she'd never hurt as long as she's with me.
G                    D    A                 D
  From a cold winter wall   to a springtime window
Bm              Bm                        A                  D
  there is warm hearts living where you's never think they'd be.

    G*          (D)          (A)          (D)
Oh, Lord, let me die first, I can't be without her,
  G*          (D)             (A)               (Bm)
I hope I never live to see her casket lined with lace.
G*             (D)            (A)            (D)
She deserves to thrive on this earth a little longer;
       G*          (D)             A              D
if you need another worker you can take me in her place.

| G     D     | A     D     | G     D     | A     Bm    |
| G     D     | A     D     | G     D     | A     D     |

[Bridge 1]
  Bm                            D
I heard the people talk about a girl thrown from her horse,
Bm                        D
down from the saddle in a terrible display.
        Bm                                  D
And the blood it stained the dirt - and the dirt it skinned the girl
        Bm                                    D
and the girl they didn't think that she would live another day.

[Bridge 2]
    Bm*                       D*
Oh, Lord, let me die first, I can't be without her,
  Bm*                          D*
I hope I never live to see her casket lined with lace.
Bm*                            D*
She deserves to thrive on this earth a little longer;
       Bm           Bm             A              A
if you need another worker you can take me in her place.

| G*    (D)   | (A)   (D)   | G*    (D)   | (A)   (Bm)  |
G*             (D)            (A)            (D)   |
She deserves to thrive on this earth a little longer.
       G*          (D)             A              D
If you need another worker you can take me in her place.

    G            D            A            D
Oh, Lord, let me die first, I can't be without her,
  G            D               A                 Bm
I hope I never live to see her casket lined with lace.
G               D              A              D
She deserves to thrive on this earth a little longer;
       G            D              A              D
if you need another worker you can take me in her place.
G            D          A           D
Lord, let me die first,
| G     D     | A     Bm    |
G            D          A           D
Lord, let me die first.
| G     D     | A    |
| D*   A*| D*   A*| D*   A*| D*              |
| D*              ||		
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