Аккорды Great Lakes - Baby's Breath

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 10 Июля 2024г.
Просмотров: 27
For easier chord fingerings you may put a capo at 4th fret
and transpose -4 steps.


[Verse 1]
Oh, all the dreams I can’t remember
C#m           A           E
The ones that never come again
So many dreams, my lover says
       C#m       A        E
As the sky grows wild and red
       F#m     A      E
And we die the little death

[Verse 2]
So many dreams I can’t remember
     C#m            A                E
They find me by the mountains or the sea
What’s in the mind of an eagle?
       C#m      A     E
Or the song the river sings?

           C#m        A      E
Out in the hills, the baby’s breath
       F#m     A      E
And we die the little death
           C#m        A      E
Out in the hills, the baby’s breath
       F#m     A      E
And we die the little death

[Guitar Solo]
E    C#m  A  E     C#m  A  E

[Verse 3]
Oh, all the dreams I can’t remember
C#m     A           E
So many never come again
What’s in the mind of an eagle?
C#m          A     E
And what the river says

           C#m        A      E
Out in the hills, the baby’s breath
       F#m     A      E
And we die the little death
           C#m        A      E
Out in the hills, the baby’s breath
       F#m     A      E
And we die the little death
           C#m        A      E
Out in the hills, the baby’s breath
       F#m     A      E
And we die the little death

E   C#m  A  E    F#m  A  E
C#m  A  E   F#m  A  E
C#m  A  E   F#m  A  E
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