Аккорды Hayden Calnin - What It Means to Be Human

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 04 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 40
C Dm F
C Dm F

[Verse 1]
C                              Dm
  I’m driving out through the dirty wind.
Stopped for a swim, are you far behind?
 C                 Dm                 F
Middle nowhere, oh how I like what it means,

What it means to be human.
C                              Dm
Let’s walk from here, it’s the end of the line.
Nothing ahead, I hope nature’s kind.
C                      Dm
Our bags are full of another life.
What’s it mean?

What’s it mean to be human?

G  Am               F
      I’m running ahead now.
G  Am                       F
      'Cause I’m closer to death now.
   Am                 G
So wake me up in the morning.
F                                   Am
Wake me up with the story of your dream.
I can hear them talking.
Talking like this is all that we ever need.

[Verse 2]
C                   Dm
  Feel it crawling up my spine.
Spider legs but I’m feeling fine.
C                     Dm               F
In your web you’ve redefined what it means,

What it means to be human.
C                         Dm
So I keep weaving in and out of time.
I take a moment to keep out of sight.
C                            Dm              F
I’ll come back when you’ve redefined what it means,

What it means to be human.

G   Am               F
       I’m running ahead now.
G   Am                      F
       Cause I’m closer to death now.

   Am                 G
So wake me up in the morning.
F                                   Am
Wake me up with the story of your dream.
I can hear them talking.
Talking like this is all that we ever need.

C   Em            F
C   Em            F
C   Em            F
C   Em            F

   Am                 G
So wake me up in the morning.
F                                   Am
Wake me up with the story of your dream.
I can hear them talking.
Talking like this is all that we ever need.

 Am             G
Then let’s go walking.
F                                   Am
Head down to the bank of the river stream.
I know that it’s freezing,
but it’s the closest that you’ll ever get to me.

C   Em            F
C   Em            F
Музыка, подобно дождю, капля за каплей, просачивается в сердце и оживляет его (Роллан)
Мы стремимся к созданию контента, соответствующего всем нормам законодательства и уважающего интеллектуальную собственность. Мы также придаем большое значение тому, чтобы не задеть никого и не оскорбить чьи-либо чувства. Если у вас есть вопросы или претензии по размещенному материалу, пожалуйста, сообщите нам об этом на указанный адрес электронной почты: [email protected].