Аккорды Holly Bray - Alexander

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 12 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 46
G  C  G  D

[Verse 1]
G              C               G           D
  What makes a great man great?
G                        C
  Is it the stories his scribes can weave?
G                     D
  The melody that his minstrel sings?
G                              C
  Should we just count up his victories?
G                        D
  Is it the faith of the men he leads?

[Verse 2]
G               C              G    D
   Alexander we call him great…
   G                C
Bucephalus tamed despite his girth
G                     D
  He's headed for the ends of the earth
G                   C
  Seeking glory for all it's worth
G                     D
  He's the heir to Achilles

     Am              D
It's hard to believe all you achieved
       G              C
You didn't even turn 33
      Am                       D
But you didn't waste the time Providence gave
C           D          G
   So we remember your name

[Verse 3]
G                C             G      D
   Alexander who did you know?
G                          C
   Your father Philip with one eye blind
G                D
   Aristotle to form your mind
G                 C
   Young Roxana a radiant bride
G                    D
   Hephaestion loyal at your side

[Verse 4]
G                  C               G     D
   Alexander where did you reign?
G                 C
    All Asia your spear did claim
G                     D
   Persepolis left in burning flames
G                          C
    The siege of Tyre your greatest shame
G                         D
    Egyptian cities still bear your name

     Am              D
It's hard to believe all you achieved
       G              C
You didn't even turn 33
      Am                       D
But you didn't waste the time Providence gave
C           D          G
   So we remember your name

Em        C                    G           D
   22,000 miles and you had to walk there
Em                        C                     G          D
    Makes me question how I've been spending my   time
Em                      C                       G          D
   'Who should rule the empire?' The Successors pondered
         C                    D                  G    G
'To the strongest!', was your order as you died

[Verse 5]
G                C            G    D
    Alexander so many names……..
G                       C
    Were you Persian or were you Greek?
G                  D
    Mythic Hero or two horned beast?
G                  C
    Son of Zeus or King of Kings?
G                    D
    Alex what's your legacy?

     Am              D
It's hard to believe all you achieved
     G                C
You didn't even turn 33
    Am                        D
But you didn't waste the time Providence gave
C           D           G
    So we remember your name
   Am                        D
No you didn't waste the time Providence gave
C           D           G
    So we remember your name
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