Аккорды Jim Eanes - Curtains Of Sorrow

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 11 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 28
G7 C

[Verse 1]
                C7            F
The curtains of sorrow have descended
        G              G7            C
O'er my world like the shades of the night
              C7         F
Alone with my memories I wander
     G              G7         C
I am lost Dear with no guiding light

[Verse 2]
                C7                 F
Oh where is the moon that shown so brightly
    G             G7               C
And where are the stars that spell love
              C7              F
Where are the blue skies that linger
     G              G7       C
That smile from the heavens above

C C7 F
G G7 C

C C7 F
G G7 C

[Verse 3]
                 C7           F
You've broken my heart Dear forever
  G             G7          C
I don't seem to care now or try
                C7          F
My future seems dark and so dreary
  G              G7            C
I can't keep the tears from my eyes

                     C7              F
There's a curtain of sorrow O'er the moonbeams
          G             G7      C
There's a shade of gray sky up above
    C             C7           F
The starlignt has lost all its splendor
    G             G7           C
And I've lost the sweetheart I love
Но если и музыка нас оставит, что будет тогда с нашим миром? (Гоголь)
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