Аккорды Johnny Blue Skies - Jupiter's Faerie (feat. Sturgill Simpson)

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 15 Июля 2024г.
Просмотров: 16

F#m   D   F#m   D
F#m   D   F#m   D

          G                         Em
For some reason, today I thought of you
 D                              F#m
Thought I'd look you up and see what you’d been up to
     G                                  Em
How long's it been? Ten years or maybe more

         D                                F#m
Since I told you not to call me, shut you out and closed the door
     G                D                  Em
I'm sorry, I know it hurt, but I’d moved on

     G          D               Em            A
The memories remained, but the sentiment was gone

Em                                  F#m
We belonged to the darkness and the moon
       Em                                       D           A
But I found a light so bright, thought I might live in its sun

       Em                              F#m
Then today while walking lost, I saw a sign
      Em                          D       A
That without effort brought your name to mind

        G             Em            D
So I decided to reach out after so long

   Em                            F#m
Decided how we left, it was all wrong
      Em                           F#m
It's okay to move on, but we don't have to closе the door
    Em          Bm                    A
And after all, what are rеal friends for?

      Em                               F#m
So I went home thinking I would try to call you
   Em            Bm       A
I searched your name and then I saw the news

      Em       D       Bm
That there was no more you

A               G              D
I hear there's faeries out on Jupiter
 A               G   D
And there was a time  that I knew one

      Bm                      D
But today I'm feeling way down here on Earth
 A                           G                 D
Crying tears of love in the light of mourning dawn

F#m   D   F#m   D

  G                             Em
I used to write so many songs about you
 D                            F#m
Long after you went home that day
   G                            Em
I laid alone so many nights without you
       D                F#m
Spent years just hoping that you were okay

G                    D
I cried an ocean of tears
G                           A
Hoping it'd wash the pain away

           Em                       F#m
But then today I read the news that you were gone
       G           Em            D                 A
You'd left a year ago, chose to check out and move on
                 Em                   F#m
I guess the the pain became the only thing

Em             F#m
Each and every day would bring
     G              D                 Em
I'm sorry I wasn’t there, I wish I’d known

            G                 D              Bm                 A
I would've tried to give you love, it’d been so long since I'd shown
         Em                           F#m
But then had I, maybe you'd be here today

 Em                          Bm              F#m
Suffering and crashing from sadness and its weight
    G               D              Em
But in my heart, I guess I always knew

 Bm                              F#m
Somehow one of us would end this way
            G                         A              Bm
And what's done is done, now there’s nothing left to say

A               G              D
I hear there's faeries out on Jupiter
 A               G   D
And there was a time  that I knew one

      Bm                      D
But today I'm feeling way down here on Earth
 A                           G                F#m
Crying tears of love in the light of mourning dawn

F#m   Bm
F#m   D
F#m   Bm
F#m   D

A                  G          D
One more glass of wine for a love so true
       A           G             D
Then another and another, for today one just won't do
 Bm                             D            G                   A
There's no happy endings, only stories that stop before they're through

A               G              D
I hear there's faeries out on Jupiter
 A               G   D
And there was a time  that I knew one

      Bm                      D
But today I'm feeling way down here on Earth
 A                           G                 D
Crying tears of love in the light of mourning dawn

F#m   D
F#m   D
F#m   D
F#m   D

F#m   Bm
F#m   D
F#m   Bm
F#m   D

F#m   Bm
F#m   A D

------------------------ CAPO: 2nd FRET --------------------------

EMAIL:  [email protected]

                              JUPITER'S FAERIE


Em    C   Em    C
Em    C   Em    C

          F                         Dm
For some reason, today I thought of you
 C                              Em
Thought I'd look you up and see what you'd been up to
     F                                  Dm
How long's it been? Ten years or maybe more

         C                                Em
Since I told you not to call me, shut you out and closed the door
     F                C                  Dm
I'm sorry, I know it hurt, but I'd moved on

     F          C               Dm            G
The memories remained, but the sentiment was gone

Dm                                  Em
We belonged to the darkness and the moon
       Dm                                       C           G
But I found a light so bright, thought I might live in its sun

       Dm                              Em
Then today while walking lost, I saw a sign
      Dm                          C       G
That without effort brought your name to mind

        F             Dm            C
So I decided to reach out after so long

   Dm                            Em
Decided how we left, it was all wrong
      Dm                           Em
It's okay to move on, but we don't have to closе the door
    Dm          Am                    G
And after all, what are rеal friends for?

      Dm                               Em
So I went home thinking I would try to call you
   Dm            Am       G
I searched your name and then I saw the news

      Dm       C       Am
That there was no more you

G               F              C
I hear there's faeries out on Jupiter
 G               F   C
And there was a time  that I knew one

      Am                      C
But today I'm feeling way down here on Earth
 G                           F                 C
Crying tears of love in the light of mourning dawn

Em    C   Em    C

  F                             Dm
I used to write so many songs about you
 C                            Em
Long after you went home that day
   F                            Dm
I laid alone so many nights without you
       C                Em
Spent years just hoping that you were okay

F                    C
I cried an ocean of tears
F                           G
Hoping it'd wash the pain away

           Dm                       Em
But then today I read the news that you were gone
       F           Dm            C                 G
You'd left a year ago, chose to check out and move on
                 Dm                   Em
I guess the the pain became the only thing

Dm             Em
Each and every day would bring
     F              C                 Dm
I'm sorry I wasn't there, I wish I'd known

            F                 C              Am                 G
I would've tried to give you love, it'd been so long since I'd shown
         Dm                           Em
But then had I, maybe you'd be here today

 Dm                          Am              Em
Suffering and crashing from sadness and its weight
    F               C              Dm
But in my heart, I guess I always knew

 Am                              Em
Somehow one of us would end this way
            F                         G              Am
And what's done is done, now there's nothing left to say

G               F              C
I hear there's faeries out on Jupiter
 G               F   C
And there was a time  that I knew one

      Am                      C
But today I'm feeling way down here on Earth
 G                           F                Em
Crying tears of love in the light of mourning dawn

Em    Am
Em    C
Em    Am
Em    C

G                  F          C
One more glass of wine for a love so true
       G           F             C
Then another and another, for today one just won't do
 Am                             C            F                   G
There's no happy endings, only stories that stop before they're through

G               F              C
I hear there's faeries out on Jupiter
 G               F   C
And there was a time  that I knew one

      Am                      C
But today I'm feeling way down here on Earth
 G                           F                 C
Crying tears of love in the light of mourning dawn

Em    C
Em    C
Em    C
Em    C

Em    Am
Em    C
Em    Am
Em    C

Em    Am
Em    G C
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