Аккорды Joshua Hyslop - Home

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 20 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 45
[Verse 1]
Bm A G A
Bm A G A

Bm    D            G      A
In the dark, in the quiet now
Bm D                    G  A
It's too much for me to take
Bm           D              G       A
To feel alone as if there's no way out
Bm           D              G       A
Oh give me piece of mind today

G            A         D A Bm G
When the nights are long
G           A     D A Bm G
And the days go on
G         A     D A Bm G     A   D
I don't feel the same anymore

[Verse 2]
Bm     D            G      A
In the dark WHEN every lights gone out
Bm D                    G  A
And there's nothing left to see
Bm           D              G       A
I hear  A voice softly calling out
Bm           D              G       A
To go the depth and feel the wait

G          A          D A Bm G
When the nights are long
G         A      D A Bm G
And the days go on

G         A      D A Bm G
And you feel like home
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