Аккорды Kaylee Rose - The Bad Guy

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 04 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 19
C  F C G  F C

[Verse 1]
C                            F
I ain't the one who cheated, I ain't the one who lied
G                                       F                      C
I ain't the one who texted someone with some kind of secret to hide
But you had to wait for me to be the one to say goodbye
   G                                F      C
So you could make the good girl the bad guy

[Verse 2]
C                       F
I know I was screaming, tossing out your stuff
        G                                             F               C
But who wouldn't go off the deep end when there ain't nothing left to trust?
You'll tell them that I'm crazy but you won't tell them why
G                                  F      C
You'll just make the good girl the bad guy

   Am             G                 F                 C
If I had been the one who came home drunk that Friday night
   Am                 G                   F             C
To kiss that girl and rock our world then baby you'd be right
   Am               G               F                C
If you could handle being wrong you wouldn't have to find
                G             F     C
A way to make a good girl the bad guy
The bad guy

C  F C G  F  C

[Verse 3]
C                            F
Ain't no use in trying to convince you why you can't
G                                       F              C
Do the things you've done to me and get another second chance
So say that I gave up and that you're the one who tried
    G                            F     C
Whatever makes the good girl the bad guy

   Am             G                 F                 C
If I had been the one who came home drunk that Friday night
   Am                 G                   F             C
To kiss that girl and rock our world then baby you'd be right
   Am               G               F                C
If you could handle being wrong you wouldn't have to find
                G             F     C
A way to make a good girl the bad guy

   Am            G        F             C
If I can have my freedom, baby, I don't mind
               G                 F     C
Being both the good girl and the bad guy		
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