Аккорды Lizzy Mcalpine - Spring Into Summer

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Июля 2024г.
Просмотров: 24

[Verse 1]
D             G
  Spring into summer, and the winter's gone
D             G
  Try to hold onto it, but the current's too strong
D          G
  Somebody finds me in the state I am
Em                G
  Love you like I mean it when I know I can't

[Verse 2]
D             G
  Hold it against me, cold to the touch
D        G
  Nobody knows what it's like to be us
D          G
  Somebody finds me in the shallow end
Em                G
  Love you like I mean it just because I can

 D G D G D G Em G

D             G
  Bridge over water, I am jumping in
D                   G
Taking a picture of all the people close to us
D                         G
Head below the surface, al-most never certain of the truth
Em                     G                   D
  I am always, forever, running back to you...
G                    D
  Running back to you...
G                Em
 Running back to you


Em                    G
  You're always gonna be someone that I want
D                  Am
  We have too many years between us
Am7                        Em
  If I could jump into the past, I'd only change one thing
D                        Em7
I'd never hurt you first, I'd never let you leave
Am                        G
 And now I'm here forever, running back to you
Em7   D G D G


D           G
  Summer is falling, it’s a distant dream
Em           G
  If I turn around, you're running back to me.
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