Аккорды Lucas Hoge - When A Cowboy Prays

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 25 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 38

G  G  C  G  G  G  G  D  G  G

         G                     C            G
Between those iron horses and that devil's rope
      G                          D              G   G  C  G  G
They carved up his prairies and that's all she wrote
                        C                     G     G  G
And now his way of life uh just ain't a life anymore

     G                              D
You wouldn't think there'd be much huh
And that he'd be thankful for

        Em                        C            G
But he thanks God for horses and star covered nights
           C        G          D
And the occasional shade of a cloud rolling by
     Em                 C            G
The love of a woman in spite of his ways
                C          G              D      G    C  G
That's why the Almighty's smiling when a cowboy prays

      G                C        G                  G  G
Even though he's been known to use His name in vain
 G                  D                    G              G  C  G
And it's been ages since he's been to a church on Sunday
                                   G  C
But the Lord loves all His children
He don't care who they are
'Cause that old cowboy
D                G
Holds a special place in His heart

            Em                        C            G
Because he thanks God for horses and star covered nights
           C        G          D
And the occasional shade of a cloud rolling by
     Em                 C            G
The love of a woman in spite of his ways
                C          G              D      C   G  C  G
That's why the Almighty's smiling when a cowboy prays

         D                        C            G
Yeah he takes off his hat and he humbly gives thanks
                C          G              D      Em
That's why the Almighty's smiling when a cowboy prays

 C            G
You know the Almighty's smiling

D                 G   G  C  G  G  G  D  G
   When a cowboy prays
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