Аккорды M. Ward - Fisher Of Men

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 05 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 17
Verse 1:

He Tied a Feather to the Hook For to Get You to Look
And By the Time you  Know what Took you - You Already Took
          G                      A            D
Hes Gotta Line in the Water Hes a Fisher of Men

Verse 2:

He Put the Thorns on the Rose for to Get you to Bleed
And by the Time you Know What Stuck you the Pains in Deep
          G                      A            D     D7
Hes Gotta Line in the Water Hes a Fisher of Men
          G                    A            D
Hes Got a Lot on the Line Hes a Fisher of Men


      G                                     D
Hes a Fisher of Men and Hes Wise as a Prize Fighter
            E                                       A  
Hes like a Soul Miner Mining Souls on Down the Great Divide
                   D     D7            G     A                       D
Oh hes a fisher of men      fisher of men      he gotta lot on the line

Verse 3:

He Put His Name in my Verses and His Name in the Hook
Before  I Knew what I was Cooking - it was Already Cooked
          G                      A           D
Hes Gotta Line in the Water Hes a Fisher of Men

Verse 4:

                D                          D7
And He Put His Name in my Chorus like the Dark before the Dawn
           G                        A          
So that in my Hour of Weakness I'd Remember Its His Song
          G                      A           D     D7 
Hes Gotta Line in the Water Hes a Fisher of Men
            G                    A            D
& Hes Got a Lot on the Line hes a fisher of men
       G                                    D
Hes a Fisher of Men Hes as Wise as a Prize Fighter
           E                                         A
Hes like a Soul Miner Mining Souls on Down the Great Divide
                    D   D7             G    A                       D 
Oh hes a fisher of men      fisher of men      he gotta lot on the line


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