Аккорды M. Ward - Undertaker

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 05 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 30
(Capo 2)

    D                            G
Oh love is so good when you're treated like you should be
     A7                         Em        D
the sky goes on forever in a symphony of song.

And how the water can flow
like it's streaming out a fountains
and all you got to do is find a sword and a stone.

And how it takes all the night
like birds of paradise like
way down in Pollyana where the race runs wild.

D   D7                  Bm
Oh but if you're gonna leave
better call the undertaker
take me under, undertaker
take me home.

Oh just place me in a box
and fasten all the locks
and with a one, two throw me over the Bayside bridge.

'Cause love is so good
when you're treated like you should be
the sea goes on forever in a symphony of song.

Oh but if you're gonna leave
better call the undertaker
take me under, undertaker
take me home.

Yeah if you're gonna leave
better call the undertaker
take me under, undertaker
take me home.
Музыка выражает то, что нельзя выразить словами и то, о чем нельзя молчать (Виктор Гюго)
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