Аккорды M83 - Graveyard Girl

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 05 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 54
This is more than simple. The entire song is simply:

Death is her boyfriend
She spits on summers and smiles to the night
She collects crowns made of black roses
But her heart is made of bubble gum

Graveyard girl
Graveyard girl

Dark rags and red stars
She's the dirty witch of her high school
She worships Satan like a father
But dreams of a sister like Molly Ringwald

Graveyard girl
Graveyard girl

"I'm gonna jump the walls and run
I wonder if they'll miss me?
I won't miss them.
The cemetery is my home
I want to be a part of it,
Invisible even to the night.
Then I'll read poetry to the stones
Maybe one day I could be one of them...
Wise and silent.
Waiting for someone to love me.
Waiting for someone to kiss me.
I'm fifteen years old
And I feel it's already too late to live.
Don't you?"

I can't help my love
For Graveyard Girl.
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