Аккорды Marynn Taylor - We Could Be In Love Right Now

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 04 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 25
G  D                A             Bm7
   (We could be in love right now)
G  D                A             Bm7
   (We could be in love right now)

 G   D                 A
Hey, I was just calling
                  Bm7               G
Seeing how you've been this fall and
I know we ain't been talking
 A           Bm7
But I had to hear your voice

 G   D                         A
Hey, it was really real, right?
All the way up to the goodbye
G              D
Watching your truck driving off
          A                  Bm7
Like you didn't have a choice

        G                   D
If the green stayed on the leaves
         A                   Bm7
And the leaves staed on the trees
      G                  D         A       Bm7
Then maybe you would've stayed in Tennesse

                G            D
We could be in love right now
               A                   Bm7
Flying down a one-light, two-lane backroad
Flirting with the edge of this town
D                 A             Bm7
Three words in a four-door Silverado

       G                  D
Kinda wish that we never met
          A                   Bm7
'Cause I can't stop thinking 'bout how
         G                D
If that summer sun never set
     A                     Bm7
And September never came around

                G             D  A  Bm7
We could be in love right now
                G          D  A  Bm7
We could be in love right nooooow

G                   D
Do you ever scroll back through the pictures?
 A                   Bm7
See the girl in the dress, do you miss her?
G                D
Do you ever look up at the stars?
 A                                Bm7
Smile 'cause she's looking at the same ones you are?

G               D                  A          Bm7
 Maybe if they lined up like they did at the start

                G            D
We could be in love right now
               A                   Bm7
Flying down a one-light, two-lane backroad
Flirting with the edge of this town
D                 A             Bm7
Three words in a four-door Silverado

       G                  D
Kinda wish that we never met
          A                   Bm7
'Cause I can't stop thinking 'bout how
         G                D
If that summer sun never set
     A                     Bm7
And September never came around

                G             D  A  Bm7
We could be in love right now
                G          D  A  Bm7
We could be in love right nooooow

                G             D A
We could be in love right now   mm mm

Bm7                 G
You and I could've worked this out
D                    A
If we could've made time slow down

Bm7             G            D
We could be in love right now
               A                   Bm7
Flying down a one-light, two-lane backroad
Flirting with the edge of this town
D                 A             Bm7
Three words in a four-door Silverado

       G                  D
Kinda wish that we never met
          A                   Bm7
'Cause I can't stop thinking 'bout how
         G                D
If that summer sun never set
     A                     Bm7
And September never came around

                G             D  A  Bm7
We could be in love right now
                G          D  A  Bm7
We could be in love right nooooow

G  D  A  Bm7
                 G            D  A
(We could be in love right now)
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