Аккорды Matt Minikus - The Called

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 05 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 36


[Verse 1]
D                             G                      D
Sometime i think i have to be perfect for God to use me.
  G               A                  G              A
I think i have to know it all, never stumble, never fall.
D                               G                          D
I focus on all my inadequacies, instead of what christ can do through me.
  G                    D       G     A
I forget to thrust and i can't quite see.

D                         G             A             D
That God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called
D                     G           A                     D
and he'll supply your every need, we choose to give him all.
          G              A                     D            G
You can't be too big for God to use but you'll never be too small,
 G                          D             A             D           A
'cause God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies his called.

[Verse 2]
D                                   G          D
There is no one too young to serve, no one too old 
   G            A       G             A
no clay too hardend for our father to mold
D                                   G                 D
He has a place designed for you, that know one else can fill
     G              D                     G              A
and he will give you what you need, when you choose to do his will.

D                           G             A             D
'cause God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called
D                     G           A                     D
and he'll supply your every need, we choose to give him all.
          G              A                     D            G
You can't be too big for God to use but you'll never be too small,
 G                          D             A             D           A
'cause God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies his called.

D               G             A                D
So don't hinder God with what you say you can't do.
G                               A
Just be willing and ready to be used.
D           G            A             D
Go where he leads with a heart that is willing.
D                          A
No telling what he'll do through you.

D                           G             A             D
'cause God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called
D                     G           A                     D
and he'll supply your every need, we choose to give him all.
          G              A                     D            G
You can't be too big for God to use but you'll never be too small,
 G                          D             A             D     
'cause God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies his called.

G                       D             A             D
No God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies his called

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