Аккорды Maya Hawke - Big Idea

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 04 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 52
C  Am  F  G
C  Am  F  G

[Verse 1]
C         Am               F      G
I love TV sitcoms and soap operas
C               Am               F      G
  Cliff-hanger, re-run courtroom dramas
C          Am           F      G
All intelligence is artificial
C                 Am          F      G
We're just making love on a malistic missile

G                Am   G   C      F
  Don't let them tell you how to feel
            Am    G      C    F
You don't believe in the big idea
                Fm   C   D  F
Hey, what's the big idea?

[Verse 2]
C         Am                 F    G
  You can make plans for the aftermath
C           Am                 F       G
  Or try to make your favorite person laugh
C           Am                  F      G
  You know exactly where you're going
C         Am            F     G
  Your to-do list is an epic poem

G                Am   G   C      F
  Don't let them tell you how to feel
            Am    G      C    F
You don't believe in the big idea
                Fm   C   D
Hey, what's the big idea?
F                 Fm   C   D  F
  Hey, what's the big idea?

[Verse 3]
C                 Am         F    G
  I brought poppy seeds to a gun fight
C         Am           F        G
  I put a match to an electric tea light
C             Am            F        G
  I feel your heart beating in your hair
C          Am                F       G
  Drinking fresh milk at the county fair
Am          G                 F      G
   Now everything else at the moment
Am          G              F      G
   Is just slowly stealing focus
Am       G           F      G
   And I open like a lotus
Am   G                 F      G
   Enlightened and completely hopeless

G                Am   G   C      F
  Don't let them tell you how to feel
            Am    G      C    F
You don't believe in the big idea
G                Am   G   C      F
  Don't let them tell you how to feel
            Am    G      C    F
You don't believe in the big idea
                Fm   C   D
Hey, what's the big idea?
F                 Fm   C   D
  Hey, what's the big idea?
F                 Fm   C   D  F
  Hey, what's the big idea?

Fm         C    D
   I got a big idea
        F    Fm
I got a big idea
        C    D
I got a big idea
        F    Fm
I got a big idea
          C             D      F
I saw the best parts of my generation (I got a big idea)
   Fm                   D        F
Dismantled the system only to replace it
Fm            C              D           F
Huddled 'round burnin' while looking for love
    Fm            C         D            F
I believe in one God that nobody should trust
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