Аккорды Micah P. Hinson - The Day Texas Sank to the Bottom of the Sea

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 12 Февраля 2024г.
Просмотров: 127
Chords for the whole song:

G  D  Am  D  G  C  G  D

Here's all that I have to give
I'll admit it's not a lot,
but it's all that I've got
to hang myself with
in hopes that you'll take notice of me
I've been waiting
so long
up in these trees
trying to hang myselfs with
thoughts of you
thoughts of me
I've been wishing so long
why can't you see?

Here's all that I have to give
I'll admit it's not a lot,
but it's all that I've got
to hang myself with,
in hopes that you'll take notice of me 
I've been waiting so long
up in these trees
trying to hang myself with
thoughts of you
thoughts of me
I've been wishing so long, why can't you see me?

Here's all that I have to give
I'll admit it's not a lot,
but it's all that I've got
to hang myself with,
to hang myself with,
in hopes that you'll take notice of me
I've been waiting so long
up in these trees
trying to hang myself with
thoughts of you
thoughts of me
I've been wishing so long, why can't you see?
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