Аккорды Mika Rose - Why

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 15 Августа 2024г.
Просмотров: 6
link to the song. 
Link to her twitch. 


[Verse 1]
  C              C
I have been hurt more then once
    Am7                Am7
Why did you be so damn rude?
  E7              E7
I try to see what I did wrong
    F              F     Fm
But not sure what I did do

            C                           C
Why did you laugh when I was vulnerable?
            Am                      Am
Why did you manipulate and put your wrongs on me?
           E7               E7
Why do the tears abandon my face,
like they are imitation of you,
F           Fm    C
taking your place

C                        C
They say that being hurt gives you thicker skin
Am                  Am
Not sure if that includes me  mmmh
E7                        E7
They say that what you do comes back again
F                  F
So far that hasn’t happened to me
Fm                     Fm
Where is my karma? Why all this drama?
G                     G           C       C
I’m so damn tired of people doing this to me
Am7 Am7
E7 E7

[Verse 2]
C               C
People pleasing is what it is
   Am                Am
It has always been a thing been a thing
    E7              E7
Get no respect from being kind
   F      F        Fm
Is what I now have learned

            C                           C
Why did you laugh when I was vulnerable?
            Am                      Am
Why did you manipulate and put your wrongs on me?
           E7               E7
Why do the tears abandon my face,
like they are imitation of you,
F           Fm    (C)
taking your place

C                        C
They say that being hurt gives you thicker skin
Am                  Am
Not sure if that includes me  mmmh
E7                        E7
They say that what you do comes back again
F                  F
So far that hasn’t happened to me
Fm                     Fm
Where is my karma? Why all this drama?
G                     G           C       C
know what I need to do now, finally to heal

C            C
Boundaries need to be set
    Am                  Am
I’m fine on my own if they aren’t met
E7           E7
Boundaries need to be set
    F                   F          Fm
I’m fine on my own if they aren’t met
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