Аккорды Moe Bandy - Motel Matches

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 21 Февраля 2024г.
Просмотров: 109
C                  F               C
Just an hour ago I didn’t know her name
  G7                                            C
A couple of drinks and we naturally struck up a flame
                   F                    C
It wasn’t love but then it was plain to see
        G7                                      C
That we were two strangers that were matched perfectly

                     F                   C
I signed on the line for room 109 at the desk
  G7                                  C
I told the man that all we needed was rest
                    F                   C
He said to me as he slipped a key in my hand
       G7                             C
That’s quite alright Mr. Smith I understand

Motel matches that burn in the night
C                 F
Motel matches are so easy to light
C               F                          G7
Just a spark of desire and the fire always catches

C                   F
Motel matches we’re two of a kind
C                        F
We know tomorrow they’ll wake up and find
C                                       F                     G7
We’ll be gone with the dawn and they’ll come to sweep out the ashes
Of motel matches

                     F                  C
I close the door and she headed for the car
     G7                                       C
Warm tangled sheets were all that left of our fire
                      F                      C
I said with a grin to do this again would be nice
       G7                                    C
But we both knew that a match can never burn twice	
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