Аккорды Praise Lubangu - Justice

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 18 Июля 2024г.
Просмотров: 17
I know pain, I share its wounds
    G7                     Am7
It doesn't take much living to
           D7                   Gmaj7
I've seen hate spread from its roots
     Gm7   Dm7 Am7       D7
And that's only from my view

B7                 Em7
How much more must You see?
High and lifted up
          B7               Fmaj7
Full of patience, full of mercy
     Amaj7 Am7      B7
How long until You judge?

        Gmaj7         Gm D
Though I grieve as many do
          Am7                 D7
I'd be naive to think You're through
             G                   Dm
All things right, all things made new
              Am7         D7  B7
That's the Kingdom coming soon

Em7          Fmaj7
As it is in Heaven
Amaj7        B7
So it shall become
      A#maj7             D
How I long for where I'm headed
   //    //            Gmaj7
Where no evil will be done

        Gmaj7           Dm
I hate wrong, or so I think
      Am7          D7
Often I miss it in me
         Gmaj7               Dm
If justice came just as we plead
           Am7           D7
Could any one of us go free?

Gmaj7            Dm
As it is In Heaven
Am7            D7
So it shall become
       Gmaj7        Dm
Unto Christ I am indebted
     Am7            D
The only righteous One

You turn wrong things to right
           Am7                D7
Take this wretched heart of mine
             Gmaj7       Dm
That I might walk most humbly
         Am7           D7
Doing justice, loving mercy
Без музыки жизнь была бы заблуждением (Ницше)
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