Аккорды «R.E.M.»
Свой первый концерт «R.E.M.» отыграли в американском городишке Атенс, штат Джорджия, 19 апреля 1980 года. В состав группы входили четверо выгнанных из университета парней: Майкл Стайп (р. 4 января 1960, Декатер, США; вокал), Питер Бак (р. 6 декабря 1956, Беркли, США; гитара), Майк Миллс (р. 17 декабря 1958, Оранж Каунти, США; бас) и Билл Берри (р. 31 июля 1958, Далат, США; ударные). Приобретя неплохую популярность среди студенческого братства в их родном городе, парни засели в студии, чтобы записать…
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Свой первый концерт «R.E.M.» отыграли в американском городишке Атенс, штат Джорджия, 19 апреля 1980 года. В состав группы входили четверо выгнанных из университета парней: Майкл Стайп (р. 4 января 1960, Декатер, США; вокал), Питер Бак (р. 6 декабря 1956, Беркли, США; гитара), Майк Миллс (р. 17 декабря 1958, Оранж Каунти, США; бас) и Билл Берри (р. 31 июля 1958, Далат, США; ударные). Приобретя неплохую популярность среди студенческого братства в их родном городе, парни засели в студии, чтобы записать свой дебютный сингл «Radio Free Europe», который был издан на независимом лейбле на «Hibtone Records». Этот релиз был встречен похвалами критиков, которые признали, группа способна на большее. Их кантри-фолк саунд контрастировал с басовым драйвом, и чем-то напоминал ранний «Who». С добавлением сюда харизматичного вокала Стайпа и его, в целом неслышимой, возможно даже несуществующей, лирики, получался фирменный саунд «R.E.M.», весьма отличающийся от любой другой американской группы постпанковской эры начала 80-х.
Подписавшись к «IRS records», группа получила хорошие отклики на выпуск мини-альбома 1982 года «Chronic Town», спродюсированного Митчем Истером. Их нетерпеливо ожидаемый дебютный лонгплей вышел в апреле 1983. Изданный с продюсерами Истером и Доном Диксоном, «Murmur» превзошел все ожидания, и был признан журналом «Rolling stone» альбомом года. «R.E.M.» стали культовой группой не только в США, но и в Европе, особенно среди студенчества. На следующий год появился «Reckoning», отличавшийся спонтанностью от своего предшественника. Записанный в течение 12 дней, диск содержал различные по настроению треки от разочарованного «So. Central Rain (I'm Sorry)» до насмешливого «(Don't Go Back To) Rockville». Песни были достаточно доступны, но почти на всем протяжении 80-х синглы «R.E.M.» на радиостанциях считались некоммерческими. Однако с провалом синглов по обе стороны Атлантики культ группы только возрос.
Тепло встреченный критиками «Fables of the Reconstruction» был довольно угрюмым альбомом, отражавшим период отчаяния членов команды. Питер Бак высказался на эту тему в 90-х так: «Если бы мы должны были делать запись тех песен снова, они были бы совершенно другими». На диске «Lifes Rich Pageant» появились первые признаки политизации группы, но, несмотря на это альбом стал их крупным коммерческим достижением конца 80-х. Тексты Стайпа затрагивали проблемы преобладания безнравственности в США. Треки типа «These Days» и «Cuyahoga» были обращены к молодому и разочаровавшемуся поколению и, хотя лирика была рефлексивна и почти ожесточена, музыка более радостной, чем группа делала до настоящего времени. В подобном ключе был сделан сингл «The One I Love», почему-то воспринятый раскупавшей его публикой как нечто романтическое и благодаря этому поднявшийся на девятое место в чартах «Billboard».
Альбом «Document» был записан с продюсером Скоттом Литтом, который продолжил работать с группой в последующие несколько лет. В 1988 году вышел альбом «Green» продававшийся в США медленно, но стабильно. Сопутствующий сингл «Stand» достиг 6 позиции в штатовских чартах в январе 1989, а «Orange Crush» попал в британский Топ 30 в июне того же года. Акцент в альбоме был сделан на вокале Стайпа и текстах. Это сделало певца своеобразным «трибуном поколения», что особенно проявилось в песне «World Leader Pretend». В течение кругосветного турне, совпавшего с выпуском альбома, «R.E.M.» выступали как в небольших залах, так и на стадионах.
После двухлетнего перерыва, в течение которого Берри, Бак и Миллс сотрудничали с Уорреном Зевоном в проекте «Hindu Love Gods», группа появилась с альбомом «Out of Time». В отличие от предыдущих релизов, на которых местами звучали рожки и мандолины, для записи диска использовалась целая струнная секция. Альбом был единодушно признан шедевром и возглавил чарты по обе стороны Атлантики. Сопутствующие синглы «Losing My Religion» (№ 19 USA/№ 4 UK), «Shiny Happy People» (№ 6 USA/ № 10 UK), «Near Wild Heaven» (№ 27 UK) и «Radio Song» (№ 28 UK), тоже имели большой успех. В октябре 1992 был выпущен следующий классный альбом «Automatic for the People», достигший вершины в трансатлантических чартах. Лонгплей сопровождался множеством незабываемых синглов типа «Drive», «Man on the Moon», «The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite» и «Everybody Hurts».
Следующий диск «Monster» был сделан с большим закосом в гранж. «What's The Frequency, Kenneth?» открыл серию сопутствующих хитовых синглов. После болезни Берри, случившейся с ним в Швейцарии во время тура 1995 года группа была вынуждена взять тайм-аут. Берри был прооперирован и прошел курс полного восстановления. В августе 1996 «R.E.M.» отказались от контракта «Warner Brothers Records», предлагавшей миллион баксов за пять альбомов. А в сентябре был выпущен «New Adventures In Hi-Fi». Содержащий треки, записанные главным образом в течение злополучного тура «Monster», этот диск однако явился превосходной коллекцией песен.
В октябре 1997 года Билл Берри шокировал музыкальный мир, объявив о своем намерении оставить «R.E.M.» после 17 лет пребывания в составе команды. Оставшиеся члены группы заявили, что будут продолжать свою деятельность без него. Хотя не было сделано официальной замены ударника, на сессиях для следующего диска «Up» участвовал барабанщик Барретт Мартин. На следующий год «ремовцы» записали саундтрек к фильму Милоша Формана «Man on the Moon», включавший превосходный трек «The Great Beyond».
«R.E.M.» — одна из наиболее важных и популярных групп, появившихся за последние три десятилетия, и хотя их коммерческий расцвет, кажется, проходит, они все еще сохраняют доверие масс.
21 сентября 2011 года R.E.M. объявили о прекращении совместных выступлений. Заявление, адресованное многочисленным поклонникам группы, опубликовано на официальном сайте музыкантов."Мы уходим с чувством огромной благодарности и завершенности. То, что мы сотворили, вызывает у нас удивление. Большое спасибо всем, кого тронула наша музыка", говорится в сообщении.
F Am F Am G Am Em Am Oh.... life, it's bigger, it's bigger than you, and you are not me, Em…
Ab C# Ab C# Ab C# You're beautiful more beautiful than me F# Ab C# Ab C# You're honorable more honorable than me Ab C# Eb C# Loyal to…
A Dm in the verses can mean that you have to play these intro-lines Dm E---------1------1------1---1----------1------1------1---1------------ B------------3------3-----------3---------3------3-----------3-------- G-------2-----------------0----------2-----------------0-------------- D----0---------0------0-------3---0---------0------0-------3---------- A--------------------------------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------------------------------- E---------1------1------1---1----------1------1----------------------- B------------3------3-----------3---------3------3---3---3---3-------- G-------2-----------------0----------2---------------0/2-0---0-------- D----0---------0------0-------3---0---------0------0-------3---------- A--------------------------------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------------------------------- verses Dm…
Verse: G---------------------------------------------| D-------------------------5-------------------| A---5/7---7-7-7-7-7-----5-5-------------------| E---------------------------------------------| Chorus: G----------------------------------------------------------------| D-------------------------------------------------------5---5----| A---3-3--3-3-3---------5-5--5/7--7-7-7-7-7---------7--5----------| E-------------------5-5------------------------------------------| G--------------------------------------------| D--------------------------------------------| A---3-3--3-3-3---------5-5--5/7--7-7-7-7-7---| E-------------------5-5----------------------| Guitar…
Intro (also later) Let it RIIIINNNGGGGG, it's easy and sounds nice. G---2----2------7----7-7-------4----4--7-7---7-7---7 D-0----0---0--5----5-----5-/-2----2--5-----5-----5-- A---------------------------------------------------- E----------------------------------------------------…
Tuning: EADGBD Chords: D xx0230 C x32010 G 320000 Em 022000 F#m 244222 A7 (use riff) A7 riff: (listen to the song for exact rhythm) D---0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--| B---3-3-3-3-2-2-0-2--| G---0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--| D---2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2--| {Intro:} (G)…
VERSE Am7 Dsus2 E||--0------0------0--0--|--0------0----0--0--0--|--0------0------0--0--| B||--1------1------1--0--|--3------3----3--3--0--|--1------1------1--0--| G||--0------0------0--0--|--2------2----2--2--0--|--0------0------0--0--| D||--2------2------2--0--|--0------0----0--0--0--|--2------2------2--0--| A||--0------0------0--0--|-----------------------|--0------0------0--0--| E||----------------------|-----------------------|----------------------| --0------0------0--0--|| --3------3------3--0--|| --2------2------2--0--||…
INTRO: two guitars one: (E)------3p0----5p3---------3p0----5p3----------3p0---------| (B)-----------------0-------------------0-------------3h5---| (G)-4h5------5---------4h5------5----------4h5--------------|…
Intro - |-------------------0---------0-----------0------0----0---0-----| |-----------------------3/5------0------------3-----0---0-------| |---------------------------------------------------------------| |-------------0-------------------------------------------------| |---------0-----------------------------------------------------| |-0-0-2/3----------------------------0--------------------------| Em…
{opening riff} #har denotes harmonics on that fret (E)---7--------7--------0--------------------------5har--| (B)-----7--------7----0---0----------7har----------5har--| (G)-------10-------10----------------7har----------5har--| (D)----------------------------------7har----------5har--| (A)-------------------------9-9999-9-7har-9-9999-9-------| (E)-------------------------7-7777-7------7-7777-7-------|…
{lick G(3) : ------------0-2-0------| D(2) : --0-h-2-h-4-------4-0--| F# chord....} F# A Birdie in the hand for life's rich demand E F# {lick} The…
RIFF A: (this is played by a string arrangement) * ` e|---7---7---7---7---5---| B|---7---7---7---7---5---| G|-----------------------| D|-----------------------| A|-----------------------| E|-----------------------|…
Intro, played throughout verses F C Gm -------------------------3-- -------------------------3-- ---------------0-----0---3-- 5x --3-3-3p20-------0h2-----5-- -----------3-3-----------5-- -------------------------3-- Pre-Chorus…
Intro: (E)----------------1212--12-1212--| (B)-------------------------------| (G)-----------------9-9---9--9-9--| (D)-------------------------------| (A)--2--0-------------------------| (E)--------3--0-------------------| Bm7…
Intro: F / Am / D / D7 G - F / A# G - F / A# G - F / A# - C F / Am / D / D7 G F A# I've found a way to make you, G F A# I've found a way, G F A# C F A way to make you…
verse: A G D A G D I know you. I know you've seen her. A G D A G D She's a sad tomato. She's three miles of bad road. A G D A G…
intro: e-----------------------------------------------------| B-------0-0-0-0-0-0------0-0-0-0-0-0------------------| G--0-2-4-4-4-4-2-0---2->4-4-4-4-2-0---0----0-0-0------| D-------------------slide------------2->5-5-5-5--etc--| A-----------------------------------------------------| E-----------------------------------------------------|…
{intro: E B C G A E B C G Bb} A D Sleep delays my life A Where does the time go...go D I don't know A Sleep sleep sleepy head…
{intro: E E7 E E7 ......} E Asus2 E E7 I am I am I am Superman and I know what's happening E Asus2 E E7 I am I am…
Gadd6 Keys cut, three for the price of one. Bb C Bb C Nothing's free, but guaranteed for a lifetimes use. Bb C NC Gadd6 I've changed the locks and you…
Intro: G Em G Em G Em C G Look up, what do you see? All of you and all of me Em Bm Fluorescent and starry. Some of them, they surprise C G…
Verse A D E D E G----------------|---------------------------| D-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7|-7-7-7-7-7-----------4-5-6-| (I know.. the timings all A----------------|-----------5-7--7-5-7------| wrong! You'll pick…
Standard Tuning - EADGBE {--------------------!------------------!--------------------!--------------------||} |-----------8--------|------------8-----|-----------8--------|------------8-------|| |--------9--------0--|-------0----------|--------9--------0--|-------0------------|| |--10---------10-----|--9---------------|--10---------10-----|--9-----------------|| |--------------------|------------------|--------------------|--------------------|| [--------------------@------------------@--------------------@--------------------||] Intro: 4x…
riff: (G) -------------------4---0---0---0---0---0---| (D) ---------------s-5----5---5--4---2---0-----| (A) --------2-0-2-3----------------------------| (E) 0-0-2-3------------------------------------|…
INTRO E-------------------------|-------------------------|-------------------------|-------------------------| B-------------------------|-------------------------|-------------------------|-------------------------| G---2--0-4-2-2h4p2-(0)--0-|---2--0-4-2-2h4p2-(0)--0-|---2--0-4-2-2h4p2-(0)--0-|---2--0-4-2-2h4p2-(0)--0-|…
Intro: Gm Bb Gm Bb Gm Bb Dm C G Gm Bb Gm Bb Monty this seems strange to me, the movies had that movie thing Gm Bb…
Verse: G--7--7-7-7-7-4--4-4-4-4--2--2-2-2-2--2-2-2- sounds like simple chords here D--5--5-5-5-5-2--2-2-2-2--0--0-0-0-0--0-0-0- A------------------------------------------- E------------------------------------------- chorus:…
First Verse: Once bass has actually started: G|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| D|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| A|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|---------7-7-5---| E|-5---5---------3-|-5---5---------3-|-5---5---------3-|-5-5-7-8-------8-|…
Intro: e-------2----------- B--open------------- G------------4------ D------------4------ A---x--------------- E---x--------------- Verse: B A D Divide your cultured pearls and…
CHORUS BIT: D F D F G G C G Am D F D F G G C G Am C Em G ------------------------------------------- D -0-4-0-4-5-5--------0-4-0-4-5-5------------ A -------------3-2-0--------------3-2-0--3-2- E ------------------------------------------- That's…
Intro: | Em G | D C | G D | Cmaj7 | Em G | D C | G D | Em | Em G D C G This flower is scorched. This film is on, on a maddening loop. D Cmaj7…
C Dm That's when Wendell Gee takes a tug G G7 Em G Upon the string that held the line of trees C Dm Behind the house he lived in…
Verse: G:---------------------------0-----2-- D:0-----0--0-----2-------------------- A:------------2----------------------- E:------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ---0--2---------0-----0--0-----2-- ----------------------------2----- ---------------------------------- ----0-----2-----4----------|-----| -------------------2-------|--0--| ---------------------------|-----| ---------------------------|-----| Pre-Chorus: G:----------------------------- D:--3-----3--3----------------- A:--------------3--1-----1--1-- E:----------------------------- --------------------------------------| --------0-----------------------0--2--| --0-----------0--3-----3--3--3--------| --------------------------------------| Chorus: G:--------------------0----0-------- D:-----------------0----------2--0-- A:--0-----2--3---------------------- E:---------------------------------- -----------------------------------------| -----------------0-----------------------| --0-----2--3--------------------0--2--0--| --------------------3-----3--3-----------|…
Intro: E C# B E A/Asus2 E///E/// Why're you tryin' to se-cond guess me? E A/Asus2 B///B/// I am tired of se-cond guessing. E A/Asus2…
{Intro: Em G D2} Em Follow me don't follow me G D I've got my spine I've got my orange crush Em Collar me don't collar me…
[INTRO] D G D G G:--------|--------|--------|--------| D:0---0---|--------|0---0---|--------| A:--------|--------|--------|--------| E:--------|3---3---|--------|3---3---| [VERSE]…
Am Dm G Swan, swan, hummingbird Am Dm Hurrah, we are all free now Am Dm G What noisy cats are we Am Dm Girl and dog he bore his…
G Cmaj7 That's great, it starts with an earthquake, G Cmaj7 birds and snakes, an aeroplane - Lenny Bruce is not afraid. G Eye of a hurricane,…
Intro ---0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---------------------------------------------------| ---0-0-0-0--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3---------------------------------------------------| ---0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---------------------------------------------------| ---2-2-2-2--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2---------------------------------------------------| ---2-2-2-2--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3---------------------------------------------------| ---0-0-0-0--------------------------------------------------------------------| Riff…
CAPO ON 1st FRET TO PLAY WITH THE ALBUM Guitar Riff: (put pickup selector switch in middle position) s = slide to.. h = hammer on.. p = pick off to.. e --------------------------------------- B…
Intro slide tab: E-------------------- B------5-----7-----5- G----/5-5--/7-7--/5-5 D----/5----/7----/5-- A-------------------- E-------------------- C Dadd4/add2 |-0-------0---0-------0---0---0-|-0-------0---0-------0---0---0-| |-1-------1---1-------1---1---1-|-1-/-3---3---3-------3---3---3-| |-0-------0---0-------0---0---0-|-0-------0---0-------0---0---0-| |-2-------2---2-------2---2---2-|-2-/-4---4---4-------4---4---4-| |-3-------3---3-------3---3---3-|-3-/-5---5---5-------5---5---5-| |-------------------------------|-------------------------------|…
Intro:} | G | Em | Bm | C | G | Em | Bm | C | {Riff:} E-|----2p0-2-0----------|----0--------2--0----|----2p0--2--0----------|-----0-| B-|-------------0--0--0-|-2-------0-----------|---------------0--0--0-|-2-----| G-|---------------------|---------------------|-----------------------|-------| D-|---------------------|---------------------|-----------------------|-------| A-|-2-------------------|-------------------0-|-2---------------------|-------| E-|---------------------|---------------------|-----------------------|-------| {riff} Shiny…
The basic chords for this song are E, D and A, although not the normal open E, D and A. There's also an Em and some picking as well. Here are the chords as I hear them, but due to the numerous guitar tracks on the…
{Main riff:} e----------------------------| B---------------0let ring----| repeat sl/ (slide) br (bend,release) G--2-2------2-2-2sl/4b(5)r-0-| D------2---------------------| {Chorus riff}: e--0---00000...--0--0-0---0--0-0-0-0--0-0---0--0-0-0-|repeat B--3sl/55555...--3--3-3sl/5--5-5-5-3--3-3sl/5--5-5-5-| {Bridge…
Intro (arr. for guitar): F E-1-----1-----1-----1-----) B----1-----1-----1-----1--) G-------------------------) D-------------------------) A-------------------------) E-------------------------) F…
INTRO G | C (x2) G VERSE ONE G Someone told me long ago D There's a calm before the storm, I know And it's been coming for some time When it's over, so they say…
Intro: Esus4 D2 A/C# E Scratch the scandals in the twilight D2 A/C# E Trying to shock but instead D2 A/C# E Idle hands all orient to her D2…
Em Eb Em Eb C Bb Am7 It's quiet now, and what it brings is everything... Em Eb C Bb Am7 comes calling back…
Chords Used: C? 032010 Gm? 355333 Bb? 688766 C VIII? 8-10-10-9-8-8 Dm? 557765 Eb? 068886 F? 133211 Intro: C Gm C Gm Riff 1 E??---------------------? B?----------------------? G?--------0-2-----0-2---? D?--0-3-0-------3-------? A?------------3-------0-? E?----------------------? Verse…
Intro: | D A | G | D A | G | (the A chord is just played once) A D Bm G A D A G What's .. A D Bm G A D…
Tuned guitar down 1/2 step Intro: D Cadd9 1 a & a 2 a & a 3 a & a 4 a & a 1 a & a 2 a & a 3 a & a 4 a & a e|--------------------------------|--------------------------------| B|--------------------------------|------------------------3-------| G|2---2---2---2---2---2---2---2---|0---0---0-----------0-------0---| D|0---0---0---0---4---4---4---4---|2---2---2-----------------------| A|--------------------------------|------------3-------------------| E|--------------------------------|--------------------------------|…
G Cadd9 G Your ... Cadd9 G I'm ... Cadd9 G Cadd9 I'm ... G Cadd9 G Twentieth .. Cadd9 G You're ... Cadd9…
The song opens with this, the chorus (3 times): E---0----------------0-----0-----------------| B-----2-3-SL-5-5-0-----3-----3---3-----------| SL - slide up G------------------4-----4-----4-------------|…
Intro: | Am | G | D Dsus4 D Dsus2 | Em | Am G D Dsus4 D Dsus2 Em This could be the saddest dusk I've ever seen Am G D Dsus4 D Dsus2 turn…
Intro | | F5 C F5 C | F5 C F5 C G---------------------|----------------------------- D---------------------|-3-3--------3-3-------------- A-3----------3--------|-------3-3--------3---------- E----------3----------|-----------------------------…
{intro:} Em D2 Em (A) --0-h-2--------| (E) --------3--3-0-| He's not to be reached, he's to be reached. He's not to be reached, he's to be reached. D2 Em D2 Em Called…
Intro Dm Dm C Dm As I raise my head to broadcast my objection C Dm As your latest triumph draws the final straw C…
Option 1: (the Thumb frets the low E string and the index finger frets both the high E the B strings.) |-3-3-3h5p3------| |-3-3------3h5p3-| |----------------| |----------------| |----------------| |-3-3------------|X2…
C#m E Laocoon and her two sons C#m E Pressured storm, tried to move C#m E No other more, emotion bound C#m E Martyred, misconstrued A E C#m…
{Verse Riff:} D G E--0-0-0--0-0----0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-| B--3-0-3--3-3----3-3-3--3-3-3-3-3-| G--0h2-2--0h2-2--0h2-2--0h2h4p2p0-| D--0-0-0--0-0-0--0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-| {Verse Riff} Just…
Dropped D tuning {Intro}: E------2----0--- B------3----1--- G------2----0---- for verse add: D------0----2---- D--3-3-3--5-5-5-- A-----------3---- A--3-3-3--5-5-5-- D--0-------------…
{intro E G#m A / Asus2} C#m E A B They ... C#m E A B A ... C#m E…
{intro} Dadd9 A E-|--------------0-------------0--|-----------------0------------------0------| B-|-----7-------------7-----------|-------5-----------------5-----------------| G-|---------7-------------7-------|------------6-----------------6------------| D-|-0-----------------------------|--7----------------------------------------| A-|-------------------------------|-------------------------------------------| E-|-------------------------------|-------------------------------------------|…
Verse Riff: Part 1: E D A E-----0--0---0---0-----2------------| B------0------0----------3---3------| G---0---1---1--1-----2--------3-----| D----------2-------0------0----3----| A-2--------2--------------------0-0-| E-0------------------------------0--| Part…
intro + verse G ------------------1-2-I-------------------------I D-------2---0-1_2-------I-------2---0-1_2---------I A-0-2-3---3-------------I-0-2-3---3-------------0-I E-----------------0-----I-----------------0-2-3---I…
riff: e---0-0---0-0--| B--2-0-----0---| G-------2------| D--------------| A E riff Postcard stowaway within A E riff Pristine indigo without A E riff Banded attoman as such A E riff Sofa seated one…
Verses: Chords: Em/Bm (?) (I don't think its a chord, just some random Peter stuff)/G alternate w/:Em/Bm (?)/G/Bm (?) tab goes like this: E - - 0 - - 2 - - 3 - - 2 - - 2 - B - 0 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 G…
Little bass noise at very beginning: G:--------| D:--------| A:3h1--3--| E:--------| Intro: (3x) G:-----| D:-----| A:0h2--| E:-----| Verse (Repeat throughout): G:---------------------------------| D:---------0--2-----2--4-----------| A:0--2-----------------------0--2--|…
Trailers for sale or rent F F# G C F Trailers for sale or rent G C Rooms to let, fifty cents C F No cars no pool no pets G I ain't got no cigarettes C…
{riff} (B) ----1--------1----------| (G) ---(2)------(2)---------| (D) -(0)-----(0)-----2------| (A) -2------3------2------0-|..strum Am {play riff} Listen {continue…
Intro riff: E-|-----------------------------|-------0---------0-0-x-0-0----| B-|----0-0-0-0-0---0-0-0-0-0-0--|-0-0-0-0-0-----0-0-0-x-0-0----| G-|-o--4-4-4-4-4---4-4-4-4-4-4--|-4-4-4-4-4-----4-4-0-x-0-0--o-| D-|-o---------------------------|----------------------------o-| A-|-----------------------------|------------------------------| E-|-----------------------------|------------------------------| Verse:…
Chords used: Amadd2: xx7500 G6: xx5430 A, C, G, B, Bb chords: Use E-shaped barre chords... {Intro}: (Gtr. 1: w/ light dist. & delay set at 484 milliseconds) Am E-|----------------------------|-------------------------| B-|----------------------------|-------------------------| G-|-o----5---(5)---(5)---(5)---|--(5)---(5)---(5)---(5)--| D-|-o----7---(7)---(7)---(7)---|--(7)---(7)---(7)---(7)--| A-|----------------------------|-------------------------| E-|----------------------------|-------------------------|…
Am I dragged my feet across the seat Jumped out the passenger side The only thing worth looking for Is what you find inside C Bm Am But that had not yet appeared Am Lost invisible here. Tel Aviv and Agadir Toned…
Intro : D D A thumbnail sketch, a jeweler's stone A mean idea to call my own Old man don't lay so still you're not yet young There's time to teach, point to point Point observation, children carry reservations…
first four measures (on bass, if posssible): B |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| A |----------------|------2h3--h4---|----------------|------4h5--p4---| S |2----------0----|2---------------|2-----------0---|2---------------| S…
D F C G You're movin' through rough waters motel boy, D F C and swimming in your sleep. D F C G How could I be so blind, mis-sighted, D…
Use Drop-D tuning: DADGBE {Use power chords: A: 777xxx G: 555xxx etc,} Riff: d--0-0-10-12---0-0-10-12--13-12-10-| A--0-0-10-12---0-0-10-12--13-12-10-| (repeat) D--0-0-10-12---0-0-10-12--13-12-10-| [Riff] Here…
{intro: E A B} E A B Stand in the place where you live A A/Ab E Now face North E A Think about direction…
F Sometimes I feel so happy Bb Sometimes I feel so sad F Dm Sometimes I feel just about everything Bb C F Lately I'm just feeling bad Bb C F Lately…
Intro: G|-----7----7----7----7----7---5--7-5-----5-7---7---7---7---7----7--57------| D|--------------------------5h7------7---7-------7---7---7---7--------------| A|-5-55---55---55---55---55-------------------55--55--55--55----5------0~---| E|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| 2nd…
Intro G C G C E---------------------|---------------------| B---------------------|---------------------| guitar1 G---------------------|---------------------| D-----------------5-5-|-----------------5-5-| A-5--5--5-5--5-5--3-3-|-5--5--5-5--5-5--3-3-| E-3--3--3-3--3-3------|-3--3--3-3--3-3------|…
D C D C D C D C D Fun, baby, baby, we like your lips C D Fun, baby, baby, we love your pants Bb C D All aboard for Fun Time C D Fun, baby, baby, we ham to Dracula C D…
The intro is: E -2-----2-----2-----2-----| B ---0-----0-----0-----0---| G -----3-----3-----3-----3-| D -------------------------| F# A D C Crazy crazy world crazy crazy times F#…
Chords: E Em F Fm F# F#m G Gm Ab Abm e--0---0---1---1---2---2---3---3---4---4--| B--0---0---1---1---2---2---3---3---4---4--| G--1---0---2---1---3---2---0---3---5---4--| D--2---2---3---3---4---4---0---5---6---6--| A--2---2---3---3---4---4---2---5---6---6--| E--0---0---1---1---2---2---3---3---4---4--|…
{Main Riff}: e---44--44-----4-|---22--22-----2-| B----------------|----------------| G-4---4----3/4---|-2---2----1/2---| {Main Riff} This is horror movie stuff. the muffin is peach,…
Intro riff: E-----11-------11-------11-------11-----| B---13--13---13--13---14--14---14--14---| G-13-------13-------13-------13---------| {play intro riff}: The world is collapsing around our ears I turned up…
The Riff is: E ------------------0-0--- B ------------------0---0- G ---2-4-----2-4----2----- D -5-----5-4-----4--2----- A ------------------0----- E ------------------------ Em I've watched the children come…
Riff e ------------------1---------\ b ------------------1---------\ g --3--2-----------2----------\ d ---------3--0----3----------\ a ------------------3-----------\ E ------------------1----------\ Verse 1…
{its helpful to play the piano notes by streching your pinky along the high E-string on the D and G chords} F F/G D F F/G G Put your hair back, we get to leave F F/G D G…
C A7 F Bb Come on aboard, I promise you you won't hurt the horse A7 Bb Fsus4 F We treat him well, we feed him well --- C A7 F…
The tab to the opening riff of Pop Song '89 is: (E) --8-5-------------------------------------------| (B) ------8--------5--------------------------------| (G) -----------------7--5--7-s-9--7--7-h-9-p-7------|…
Intro: Em D Em Em D Em You took me to the restaurant where we first met Em D Em You knocked a future shock crowbar…
{riff 1a}: E-----------------|---------------| B--8-8-8-5---3---1|--------1-3-1-3| (slide back up to 8 and repeat) G--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0|0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0| e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e {riff 2}: E-----------------|---------------| B--5-5-5-3--------|5-5-5-3---5-3-5|…
Intro: Aadd9 Emaj7 F#m11 Aadd9 Emaj7 F#m11 E E F#m11 This name I got we all agreed E F#m11 See could stop stop it will red E F#m11 We…
Intro G G/Bb (3x) G G G/Bb G G/Bb G G/Bb G G/Bb Now my suspicion's on the rise G G/Bb G G/Bb G G/Bb G G/Bb I have known, I have known your kind G G/Bb…
{Main riff:} E------------------------------------------------------| B-----------------------------3-------------3-2-0------| G-2-2-------2-2-------------0---0---------0-------2----| (repeat) D-0-0-0-2-4-0-0-0-2-4-0---2-------2-----2--------------| A-----------------------3-----------3-0----------------| E------------------------------------------------------| {Verse…
{intro: A Asus2 A Asus2 X 4} A Bm From the back of my neck, oh oh oh A Bm Wired a glass jaw, oh oh A Bm Plantation burning…
intro Don't play the first 9 until the bridge, but play the first 7 only in the intro. E D A E/B E/A E D A G|9-------|--------|9-------|9---7---|---9----|--------|--------|--------| D|--------|--------|-------9|---7--7-|9-------|7--9----|7--9---9|--------| A|--------|--------|--------|--------|------7-|------9-|--------|7---5---|…
Intro: A D A D A D A D A D A Asus4 A Let me ride on the wall of death one more time A A/G# F#m D E Let me ride on the wall of death one more time…
G-|------------|----------------|---------------|-------------| D-|------------|--------------3-|-------------0-|--2--3--2--0-| A-|--3----3----|----0-2-3---3---|----0-2-3--3---|-------------| E-|---------1--|--3-------------|--3------------|-------------|…
| Em | G | Bm | Bm | Em | A | G | G | Em G Bm 20,000 miles to an oasis. Em A G 20,000 years will I burn. Em G Bm Em A G 20,000 chances…
{Verse: E D A G} E D I look good in a glass pack A G I look good and mean E D A G I look good in metallic sick…
[The song is tuned up 1/4 step] {intro: F Fmaj7 Dm Dm F Fmaj7 Dm G} {On the C to Am stuff, It sounds good to walk the bass note of the C chord down to a B before playing Am} C Am…
Intro : D C G D D C G D The battle's been lost, the war is not won D C G D An addled republic, a bitter refund D…
{This will be interesting tab} riff (G) 11-11-11-12----14----16-16-16-16---14--------11-11-11-12----11-9--7 (D) 0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0 .cont (G) 7--7--7 (D) 0--0--0--0--0--0--0-…
G A G A On the outside underneath the wall All the money couldn't buy You're mistaken no one's standing there For the record no one tried Em A Em A Oh... I..... try to G…
Verse: ------------------------4--------3--3---2--0--2--0-- -------------2--2----------2------------------------ 3--3-----3------------------------------------------ ------3--------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------I------------- -3---0-------------------------------------------------------I------------- ---------3---3-----------3---3----------------3--3---------3-I----0--2--3-- -----------------3--3-------------6---6------------3--3------I-3----------- ---------------------------- ------------2---3----0--etc- ------0--------------------- -3-------------------------- -5--5--5---7--5--9--9--7--5--5--5--5--5--5--7--7---5------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------0--2---3- ---------------------------------------------------------3------------…
{riff : E(1) -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-5-3-0- B(2) -5-5-5-5-5-5-5-0-0-0-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-3- G(3) -----------------2-2------------------- A E } E D A E Now…
Intro: Am7 / / / D2 / G D/F# Em G Em D2 note: when going from the Em to the G Hang your collar up inside and back, walk the bass notes up Hang your dollar on me…
Intro slide tab: E------------------------------------------| B------------------------------------------| G-5/7------------------5/7-----------------| D----7---------9/7-5-------7---------------| A-----9/109-5---------------9/109-75----| E------------------------------------------| Intro:…
{Between the Em and Bm chords play this ---- (D) -0-2-4-2-0- } {Intro Em Bm Em Bm Em Bm G A } D G C D I sit at my table…
D A Em A D A Everybody here ... comes from somewhere Em G D A Em A D A Em G ... That they would just as soon forget and disguise D A…
intro (let ring): C#m B C#m e---4---------------0---------4---------0-| B----5--4--------2---2---------5--4-----2-| (end intro) G--------6--------4----------------6----4-| D-6-------6-6sl/4--4--4-4sl/6-------6-6-4-| A-----------------------------------------| E-----------------------------------------| C#m…
Progression 1: Am6 E9 Am6 E9 Am6 E9 Am6 E9 |------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| |----5-------7-----|----5-------7-----|----5-------7-----|----5-------7-----| |----5-------7-----|----5-------7-----|----5-------7-----|----5-------7-----| |----4-------6-----|----4-------6-----|----4-------6-----|----4-------6-----| |--0---------------|--0---------------|--0---------------|--0---------------| |----------0-------|----------0-------|----------0-------|----------0-------|…
INTRO: G (Single strum) C (single strum) G (single strum) D (single strum) e|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| H|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|…
Opening and Verse Riff: (E) (Esus4) (Asus4) (A) (A5) (A5) (B5) e------------------------------------------------------| b------------------------------------------------------| g--------------7-7----6--------2--2----2----4----4-----| d--------------7---7-----7-----2----2--2------4--4-----| a-------0------0---------------0-------0--2------2-----| E---0-4------------------------------------------------| ...while…
Capo 3rd. Em hey now G take your pills, and Dsus2 hey now B (or Bm) make your breakfast Em hey now G Dsus2 comb your hair and off to work (repeat Em-G-Dsus2-B -> Em-G-Dsus2 throughout…
Chords EADGBe Em = 022000 F# = 004322 D = 000232 Bm = 004432 Bb = 000331 Am = 002210 G = 320003 Intro: Em F# Em F# Em F# Look at this, it's me, walking away. D C Look at you drowning, on display.…
Main Riff e|--------------------------------------------------- B|-------------1-0----------------------------------- G|-----0h2p0--0----0h2p0----------------------------- D|----------h4----------0-h2-0-0--------------------- A|0------------------------------3-3-2-2-0--------0-- E|-----------------------------------------3^(1/2)--- e|--------------------------------------------------- B|--------1-0-1-3-1-3-3s5-3-3-1-1-0-0---------------- G|0h2p0-------------------------------2-2-0---------- D|-----h4-------------------------------------------- A|------------------------------------------0-------- E|--------------------------------------------------- The…
Intro E E/F# e-----------------------------------| B------0---------------0---0--------| G------1------------1--1-1-1--------| Let notes keep ringing throughout D------2----2-------2----2----------| 4x A----2-----2------------------------| E--0----------0h2-2-----------------| Verse…
intro: C D (B)----5-------7--------5------5------5------------7----8---10----10----10-s-12 (G)------5--------5--------5------5--------5---------7----7----7-----7-------- (D)-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (A)-3------3---------3-------3-------3--------3-s-5----5-----5---5-----5------ {of…
Em Bm/F# Yeah, all those stars drip down like butter, Em Dsus4 D promises are sweet Em Bm/F# We hold out our pans, lift our hands to catch…
Intro and the verse is played with the following: C Chord (palm mute) ------------------0--0--0------- ------------------1--1--1------- ------------------0--0--0------- ------------------2--2--2------- ------------------3--3--3------- --0--0--0--0-------------------- solo: ----------------------- -----------5-3p0h3----- ---5-4-------------4-0- -------5--------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- Play…
Am Am C#m When I look into your eyes. G Your drop like an anchor eyes. F I scudded and clipped the sky E Am Just…
C Am Here I am again F G Here I am again C Am I didn't even note her F G I didn't even know her C…
Main riff: D(1) ------0---------|2---------------| (tune e(1) down a whole step) B(2) ----0-----0-----|--2---3---2h3p2-| G(3) --0---------0---|----2-----------| D(4) 2-------------2-| AUCTIONEER (ANOTHER ENGINE)…
C Am Fmaj7 C Moon River, wider than a mile Fmaj7 C Bm7-5 E7 I'm crossing you in style some day Am C7/G You dream maker F Fm You heartbreaker Am7 D7 Wherever…
Am The rain came down F The rain came down Am G F (for all the verse) The rain came down on me The wind blew strong And summer's song It fades to memory I knew you when I loved you then In…
Use the following riffs in the song: {Db5 riff} {Ab5 riff} E-|------------------ E-|------------------| B-|------------------ B-|------------------| G-|-6---6-6----6-6-6-…
Dm Am They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom Dm Am For trying to change the system from within Dm Am I'm coming now…
| A5 G5 | B5 | A5 G5 | B5 | A5 G5 | B5 | A5 G5 B5 A5 G5 B5 Dusk is dawn is day, where did it go? A5 G5 B5 A5 G5 B5 I've been laughing fast and slow. A5…
D G A Baby I, don't want to be seen with you D G A Baby, I got better things to do D G A Baby, I don't wanna hang around with…
Tab for "D-Progression" (the last notes are syncopated with the tempo) q q e e e q q q q e|--2--2--2-2-2-3-2-0-2------| B|--3--3--3-3-3-3-3-3-3------| G|--2--2--2-2-2-2-2-2-2------| D|--0--0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0------| A|---------------------------| E|---------------------------| Intro…
Verse 1: D A G A D A G g|7 |------|------|------|7 |------|------|------| d|------|7 |5 |7 |------|7 |5 | | x 2 a|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------| e|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|…
E5: 079900 Emaj7: 079890 Intro: E5 [Verse] E5 Emaj7 E5 Emaj7 Mr. Richards, your position is a messenger pigeon, E5 Emaj7 E5 left behind you when the camp…
Fade in on C Verse: C F Am G Have you seen? Have not will travel C F G Have I missed the big reveal? C F Am G Do my eyes, do my eyes seem empty? C…
{Riff}: E-----------------0-----------7---------0-------------| B-------5------------5-----------5-----------5--------| G----------0------------0-----------0-----------0-----| D-------------7------------7-----------------------7--| A---0-------------------------------------------------| e-----------------------------------------------------| {During…
Tuning: Standard D5 xx023x Am7 x0201x C x3201x G 32000x F5/D xx056x E5/D xx045x D* xx7710x C* xx558x Intro: | F5/D | E5/D | Verse: | D5 | Am7 | C | G | | D5 | Am7 | Fill1…
Intro: (Rhy. Fig. 1) G C G D5 E-|--------------------|--------------|--------------------|------------------| B-|--------------------|--1-----------|--------------------|--3---------------| G-|-----0---2-------0--|--0-----------|-----0---2-------0--|--2---------------| D-|-0---------------0--|--2-----------|-0---------------0--|--0---------------| A-|-----------------2--|--3-----------|-----------------2--|------------------| E-|-3-----------3------|--------------|-3-----------3------|------------------|…
Em - - -/Em - - -/Em - - -/ G - - -/ Who will stand alone? D - - -/D - - -/ . She carried ribbons, she wore them out D - -/ Courage built a bridge, . jealous tore…
Dm F C My youngest son came home today Dm F C His friends marched with him all the way. Dm C F A fife and drum beat out the time. Dm…
{This song repeats these 8 measures throughout the verses: G / / / G / / / A7 / / / A7 / / / C / / / C / / / G / / / G / / /} I am not the type of dog That could keep you waiting For…
Chorus: 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 G--------------------*----------------------* D--------------------*----------------------* A--------------------*------------------2--* E--3------3-2-------*2-0------0-2-3-----*…
INTRO: | | | |D | --------------drums only ------------- |G |G |Em |Em | |C |D |G |G…
F The sun reflected in G The back of my eye. F G I knocked my head against the sky. Ab C The dragonflies are busy buzzing me. Ab…
Verse: e |-----------------------------------------------------| B |-----0-----0-----3-----3------------------5-----5----| G |-----0-----0-----4-----4-----2-----2------6-----6----| D |--2-----2-----5-----5--------4-----4---7-----7-------| A…
G D I'll take the position C Em G5 assume the missionare part G D you work by committee, C Em G5 you had me pegged from the start. G…
P. Buck's verse riffs (not timed properly, you should know, clean, muted) -------------------------------------------| ---------0-0-0-2-3-3-3-3-3-2/2-2-2-2-2-2-| -2-2-2-3-----------------------------------| -------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------| E…
Intro F / F Em Dm / C / C Bm Am / G / G / G / G Verse C / C / C / C (bass line goes C D E) / F / F / F / F Em Dm C / C / C / C / F / F / F / F Em Dm C / C / C / C / F / F / F / F Em Dm Chorus C / C /…
B 799877 E x79997 A 577655 F# 244322 A2 577600 Intro: | B | E | A | F# | | B | E | A | A2 | B E A F# B E A A2 You don't have to take the bar exam to see B…
{ Am : 577555 G : x55787 D : 557775 C : 335553 } Intro: {harmonics} Am G D C (repeat) Am G We'll stumble through the yard Am G We'll…
D Make your money with a suit and tie A Make your money with a shrewd denial C G Make your money expert advice, G A (before chorus hold 1st A on this line) If you can…
Verse Riff: E B--------------------------------------|-------------------------------------| G--------------------------------------|-----------------------0--2222-----2-| D-----0000---2---3333--0---------------|------0000---2---3333-----------3----| A--0----------------------3333---0---3-|--0----------------------------------| E E B--------33---1--3---------------------|-------------------------------------| G---22---------------2---0000----------|-------------------------------------| D------------------------------3---0---|----------3-------3---0-------0------| A--------------------------------------|--0---1-------------------3----------| E Chorus: G-------0-…
{riff}: "B" chord: "E" chord (E) --- ---| (B) -4- ---| (G) -4- ---| (D) -4- -2-| (A) -2- -2-| (E) --- -0-| {alternate between these two chords with feeling} {"B"/"E"…
Intro: A D G x 4 A G A G Well what in the world? Women in black A G A G Don't you remember send us back A D G A D G A day in the life…
-------2---------0----| ----3--3------3--3----| Intro Riff: --2----2----0----0----| x 2 0------0--2------2----| ----------------------| ----------------------| D…
Play this riff for the intro and during the verse: A2 e|------------7-----------7-------------------------------| B|------5---------5-----------5---------------------------| G|----------6-------6-----------6-------------------------| D|--7-----------------7-----------------------------------| A|--------------------------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------------------| Chorus: Em…
tune down 1/2 step... intro: (add some tremolo action...) -----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| -0----------7---------7\\-------0--|-0----------7---------7\\-------0--| -----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| -----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| -----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| -----------------------------------|-----------------------------------|…
Verse: C Gm F Am Bb Am G C Gm F Am Bb Am E Pre-chorus: Bm E Bm E First Chorus: C C/B Am G Chorus after the first one: C C/B Am C C/B Am C C/B Am G during the chorus, the lead guitar plays this while the…
INTRO: E5 E5 Readying to bury your father and your mother What did you think when you lost another? I used to wonder, why did you bother? Distanced from one, blind to to the other. Listen here, my sister and my…
{Intro Am} G D Sometimes I feel like I can't even sing G I'm very scared for this world D I'm…
A B So hesitation pulled me back A I'm stronger when I don't attract B In your eyes I'm a lamb without a rack A And I am getting confused…
e--------------------------------------------------------------------- B--------------------------------------------------------------------- G--------------------------------------------------------------------- D--9--h11--11--11--9--11--13--14--14--13------------------------------ A--0---0----0---0--0---0---0---0---0---0--9--h11--11--9--11--11--11--11 E-----------------------------------------0----0---0--0---0---0---0---0 ...You…
Intro: F Verse: C F You're on your ear, the ocean's near C F The light has started to fade Your high is timed, you found the climb It's hard to focus on more…
A A E D D A G D A B Light voices scream nothing seems real's a dream E A E Leaving the things that you learned behind E A…
Verse progression: 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & A5 - - B5 - - (x4) 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & D5 - - B5 - - (x2) 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & A5 - - B5 - -…
{Opening riff:} (B) --------0-------| (G) ------0---0---- (G) -------0--0-----| (D) -----4---4--4-- X 3 then.. (D) -----4------4---| (A) -7-7-----------…
_____________________ |1st, 3rd, 4th times e(1) ----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------- || B(2) 3-----1-------1-|3-----1-------1-|5-----3---------|5-----3----------:|| G(3)…
(D) (G) (D) I saw the shoals at night, with the moon above. (A7Sus4) I felt an obligation, and heard your voice again. (D) (G) If…
INTRO: | Am/Bm | Am(C)/Bm | Am/Bm | Am(C)/Bm | Am Bm Am(C) Bm Am Bm Am(C) Bm They call me the apologist, and now that I'm at peak, Am Bm Am(C) Bm…
Verse: [G] [Dm] [G] [Dm] [G] [Dm] [G] [Dm] [G] [Dm] [G] [Dm] [G] [Dm] [G] [Dm] Chorus: [Am] [G] [Am] [G] [Am] [G] [Em] Pre-solo: [C] [Dm] [G] [Am] [C] [Dm] [G] [Am] [C] [Dm] [G] [Am] [Em] Solo: e-|----------------------------------------| B-|----------------------------------------| G-|-----4h5-s7------9-7s5-4h5p4------------| D-|-5-7-------------------------7-5-7------| A-|----------------------------------------| E-|----------------------------------------| e-|----------------------------------------| B-|----------------------------------------| G-|-----4h5-s7------15-12---13-10s8-6-8----| D-|-5-7------------------------------------| A-|----------------------------------------| E-|----------------------------------------|…
G Oh where are you now, pussy willow that smiled on my sleeve? C D G When I was alone you promised a stone from your heart. G7 My head kissed the ground…
C F Here she comes C F You better watch your step C Dm7 Bb She's going to play you for a fool G It's true C F It's not hard to realize C…
Bmi7: xx4432 intro riff: e----4--7--4-------------|-----0--------0--------- B--5--5--5--5p0-------|---0---0---0----0------- G-------------------------|--2--------2------------ (verse) E…
verse 1 rest for 7 then: ______________________ 1&2e&a3&4& 1,2,3,4,5 | 6 --|--- - ----|--- - ----| --- - ----|--- - ---- |--- - -- -- | --|---…
{Bass riff}: G----3-----3--0----3-----3---| D--3----3--------3----3----2-| {Guitar riff}: A--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-| E--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-| {Bass…
{intro: B / / / B D /// E // A Asus2 X 2} A D There she goes again A D She's out on the street again A D She's down…
Intro riff: e----0---------0-----0-----| B--4---4---0-----5-----5---| G--------4---2-----4-----4-| D--------------------------| A C#m E Nations fall A C#m E par- parallels A…
{Main Riff}: E------------------------------- B----1p0-1p0----------3--1p0---- G------------------------------- D------------------------------- A-------------2-3--------------- e--0---------------1------------ {Riff…
(just piano) (keyboard + piano) D D G A |--------2--------|--------2--------|--------3--------|--------0--------| |----3-----3---3--|----3-----3---3--|----3-----3---3--|----2-----2---2--| |--2---2-----2----|--2---2-----2----|--0---0-----0----|--2---2-----2----| |0----------------|0----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|0----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|3----------------|-----------------|…
C A7 If you close the door Dm G The night could last forever C A7 Leave the sunshine out Dm G And say hello to never C…
Fig. 1 E B E B E ------4-----2--------------4-----2--------------4---| ---5-----5-----4--------5-----5-----4--------5------| 4-----------------4--4-----------------4--4---------| ----------------------------------------------------| ----------------------------------------------------| ----------------------------------------------------| ---2-------------------2-------------------| 5-----4-----2--2--2/4-----4----------------| ---------4--2--2--2/4--------4-------------| -------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------| Fig.…
Main riff (tune to F or capo 1st fret) F--|-0----0-0-0---3-3-sl-5-0-----| This is the main riff and repeats many times C--|-3----3-3-3---3-3--------0---| throughout the song. I believe that the main Ab-|-2----2-2-2---2-2------------|…
alternates between D and Gm with a little riff thrown in every now and then: D Gm little riff e----0----6-------------------- B----3----8-------------------- G----2----7-------0h2p0---0---- D----0------------------3---0-- A----0------------------------- E------------------------------ Let…
VERSE: D G D A If we're talking about love, Then I have to tell you D G D A Dear readers: I'm not sure where I'm…
Bass Line: ( ^ means to slide up on the frets ) E --------------------------|--------------------------|-- B --------------------------|--------------------------|-- G --------------------------|--------------------------|-- D…
CHORDS USED EADGBe Am -02210 Em 022000 D --0232 C 032010 G 320003 Cmaj7 032000 G/C 030003 Bm -04432 F --3211 E7sus4 020200 INTRO: Am | Em (x4) VERSE PATTERN Am Em Am Em You wanted a challenge that's…
Intro/Verse Guitar 1 e|---------0---0---0---0------------| B|---------0---0---0---0------------| G|---------4---7---7---6------------| D|-2-0-2-4-4---7---5---4---2-0-2-4--| A|---------0---0---0---0------------| E|---------0---0---0---0------------| Guitar…
Am As the sun comes up, as the moon goes down F these heavy notions creep around Am it makes me think F Am long a go I was brought into this life a little lamb F a little lamb Am courageous,…
Intro D C/D 1 a & a 2 a & a 3 a & a 4 a & a 1 a & a 2 a & a 3 a & a 4 a & a e|--------------------------------|--------------------------------| B|10------------------------------|8-------------------------------| G|11------------------------------|9-------------------------------| D|0--(0)--0---0---0---0---0---0---|0--(0)--0---0---0---0---0---0---| A|--------------------------------|--------------------------------| E|--------------------------------|--------------------------------|…
Intro (for bass) ----- G:----------|------7--7| D:0--0--6--6|0--0------| Part 1 ------ 1 2 3 4 e:X--X--X--X|X--X--X--X|X--X--X--X|X--X--X--X| B:X--X--X--X|X--X--X--X|X--X--X--X|8--8--8--8| G:7--7--7--7|X--X--X--X|X--X--X--X|8--8--8--8| D:7--7--7--7|7--7--7--7|8--8--8--8|8--8--8--8| A:5--5--5--5|7--7--7--7|8--8--8--8|6--6--6--6| E:5--5--5--5|5--5--5--5|6--6--6--6|6--6--6--6| Part…
Tuning is Standard. Intro (X3) G|----------------------------|--------------------4-------4---4-3-| D|5---------------------------|------------4-----4-------4---4-----| A|--------5-----------4---7---|4---2-------------------------------| E|----------------5-----------|------------------------------------| Verse…
F#: 244322 E: 022100 B: X24442 A: X02220 verse: e-2--3--7---53----2--3--7--5--3--5 do this two times b-3--5--8---75----3--5--8--7--5--7 chorus: e--5--3--2----2----||:--2h3-2-0-----2---:||--2h3--2--0------------|…
G C G C G (intro, same as first sung line) G C G C G Maybe tonight you're achin' G…
Capo 1st fret E A E A call my name, here I come. E A G#m 90 to nothing, watch me run. you call. I am ashamed to say. ugly girls know their fate. anybody can get laid. you want…
{Verse bass line:} ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- -5-7-7-7-----------5----------------- ---------5---5-5-8------------------- {Chorus…
The First Part: E-----------------------------------------------------------------------| B-----------------------------------------------------------------------| G--3-4-5-4-3-5-4-------------------------4-2-0--------------------------| D----------------4-5-7-5-4-7-5---5-4-1---------1-2----------------------| A--------------------------------------2--------------------------------| E-----------------------------------------------------------------------| The…
{Intro:} one, two, three... A/// B B A B I know you say A B Maybe some day F# I need never be alone A B A B I know I say…
------------------------------------| ---10-----10------------------------| -------9-------9---12--11--11--9--7-| ------------------------------------| ------------------------------------| ------------------------------------| Chords: From:…
{riff} (E) ---0-------0------0-------0--------0-----0---0---0-------------- (B)--8---8--10--10--8---8--10---10---8----10----0---0---0---0-----0- (G)--9------11------9------11--------9----11---9---8---6---8---8---- (D)------------------------------------------------------7---9------ {riff2}:…
Chords used: F#m (244222) C#m (446654) Bm (224432) A (002220) F (133211) VERSE: F#m C#m Bm A Easy to poke yourself square in the eye F#m C#m Bm A Harder to like yourself, harder to…
F C G Take a turn, take a turn Take our fortune, take our fortune Bb F They called the clip a two headed cow Your hate clipped and distant your luck pilgrimage Rest…
Em D F G F G Long gone, intuition to assume are gone when we try. Em D F G F G Dream of a living jungle in my…
G D A 0 2 2 0 2 4 2 E 4 2 0 2 0 2 G D 4 A 0 2 2 0 2 4 2 4 2 E 4
[Intro] D G A G A D G A (X2) [Verse 1] D G A I got my problems darling you want your own D G A And now it's time for you to run on home [Pre-Chorus] C…
Bass Tab G---------------------------------------- D------2-0-2---------2-0-2--------------- A--------------0-1---------0--0--0-1-2--- E--0---------------0---------------------
Verse: ------------------------4--------3--3---2--0--2--0-- -------------2--2----------2------------------------ 3--3-----3------------------------------------------ ------3--------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------I------------- -3---0-------------------------------------------------------I------------- ---------3---3-----------3---3----------------3--3---------3-I----0--2--3-- -----------------3--3-------------6---6------------3--3------I-3----------- ---------------------------- ------------2---3----0--etc- ------0--------------------- -3-------------------------- -5--5--5---7--5--9--9--7--5--5--5--5--5--5--7--7---5------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------0--2---3- ---------------------------------------------------------3------------…