Аккорды Scotty Inman - My God

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 05 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 38
ATTENTION: C can sometimes be Cadd2 or Cadd9 as x32033
ATTENTION: All chords for 4 beats OR count the *

| G           | G           | C           | C           |

[Verse 1]
    G                                       G
Who calls the sleeping sun to end the night?
    C                                       C
Who washes off this world with morning light?
    Em                           D
Who paints the sky above us with mercy burning bright?
    G           G
My God.

[Verse 2]
    G                                    G
Who turns the frozen winter into spring,
      C                                  C
gives summertime cicadas a song to sing?
      Em                         D
Who’s worthy of our worship, the Giver of all good things?

[Chorus 1]
   G                         G
My God, the great and mighty King who reigns on high.
   C                     C
My God, He’s by my side even in the fire.
   Em                D
He was, He is and forever He will be,
   G         G
my God. Amen.

[Verse 3]
    G                                   G
Who calls the prodigal to come on home
             C                             C
and gives us faith to trust the power that rolled away the stone.
  Em                                  D
That’s just what he does, that’s just God being God.

[Chorus 2]
   G                         G
My God, the great and mighty King who reigns on high.
   C                     C
My God, He’s by my side even in the fire.
   Em                D
He was, He is and forever He will be,
   G             G
my God. Amen

   Em                  C
My Maker, my Savior, Redeemer, Sustainer,
   G/B                  D
Provider, Protector and Lord;
   Em                       C
my Teacher, my Treasure, my Healer, my Helper,
   D                       D
my Shelter and forevermore.

[Chorus 3]
   G                         G
My God, the great and mighty King who reigns on high.
   C                     C
My God, He’s by my side even in the fire.
   Em                D
He was, He is and forever He will be.

   G                         G
My God, the great and mighty King who reigns on high.
   C                     C
My God, He’s by my side even in the fire.
   Em                D
He was, He is and forever He will be,
   Em                D
He was, He is and forever He will be,
   G             G       C             C
my God,               my God,
   G*                    G*                 G*
my God,               my God.		
Музыка выражает то, что нельзя выразить словами и то, о чем нельзя молчать (Виктор Гюго)
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