Аккорды Skip Ewing - The Juggler

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 08 Февраля 2024г.
Просмотров: 89
NOTE: In the song you will hear 2 fills that are being played.
      It is for you to decide if you want to use them or not.

      FILL 1      FILL 2
E --------------|-------|
B --------------|-------|
G -2h4-5--5p4-2-|-2h4-5-|
D --------------|-------|
A --------------|-------|
E --------------|-------|

D  D G D  D

 D               D               D    D
Hello, I am the juggler in this circus
     D               D             G         G
I’m here for your enjoyment at my own expense
    Bm                   A
My clothes are brightly colored
            D            G  G
There’s a smile upon my face
         Bm         A               D
But it’s only an illusion for the stage

   D                  D                D      D
In my act, I will be juggling little children
   D             D              G  G
A woman, and my future, and my past
         Bm                 A
But the show it won’t end there
                      D           G  G
‘Cause while they’re all up in midair
Bm               A             G   G
You will see me reach into my chest
     Bm               A         G                D
And throw my own up there with all the rest of those

  D     A     Bm             A
Glass hearts, delicate and fragile
  D     A          Bm               A
Glass hearts, and though I make mistakes
       D     A          Bm           A
With glass hearts, the show is never over
          D    F#m    G   G   D  D
'Til the last heart breaks

     D               D          D      D
Now juggling’s a precarious profession
     D              D            G   G
And you can see why every day I wish
     Bm               A       D            G   G
That I was breathing fire or walking on a wire
              Bm             A            G  G
You see, then I would be the only one at risk
Bm         A            G      G
 Careful there I almost  missed

D A Bm G
D A Bm A
D A Bm G
D A G   G

         D              D                  D      D
Well, I hope you all enjoyed this fine performance
    D               D            G   G
I trust you were astounded and amazed
        Bm           A       D          G     G
But my talent isn’t rare or far beyond compare
 Bm        A         G           G
Some of us we juggle on the stage
Bm            A            G           G
But all of us we struggle just the same

       D     A     Bm             A
With glass hearts, delicate and fragile
  D     A          Bm                A
Glass hearts, and though we make mistakes
       D     A          Bm           A
With glass hearts, the show is never over
          D    F#m    G
'Til the last heart breaks
             Bm    A          G G    G  D D D D
Or till the last glass heart’s safe.

 D               D               D    D D D D D
Hello, I am the juggler in this circus.
D         D               D    D  D  D
I am the juggler in this circus.	
Без музыки жизнь была бы заблуждением (Ницше)
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