Аккорды Slim Dusty - Red Back On The Toilet Seat

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 12 Апреля 2017г.
Просмотров: 367
            C                                 F
There was a redback on the toilet seat when I was there last night, 
   G                              G7               C
I didn't see him in the dark, but boy, I feIt his bite. 
I jumped high up into the air and when I hit the ground, 
       G                           G7            C
that crafty redback spider wasn't nowhere to be found. 
  C                                 F
I rushed in to the missus, told her just where I'd been bit 
     G                                    G7            C
she grabbed the cut-throat razor blade, I nearly took a fit. 
I said, "Forget what's on your mind and call the doctor please, 
           G                                G7    
'cause I've got a feeling that your cure is worse 
than the disease."  
There was a redback on the toilet seat, 
when I was there last night, 
  D                              D7               G
I didn't see him in the dark, but boy, I feIt his bite. 
   C                            F
And now I'm here in hospital, a sad and sorry plight, 
      G                                 G7               C
and I curse that redback spider on the toilet seat last night. 
  C                                 F
I can't lie down, I can't sit up, I don't know what to do, 
    G                               G7              C
the nurses think it's funny, that's not my point of view. 
I tell you, it's embarrassing, and that's to say the least, 
      G                                       G7          C
'cause I'm too sick to eat a bite, while the spider had a feast.   
    C                               F
And when I get back home again I’ll tell you what I’ll do, 
    G                                G7                 C
I’ll make that redback suffer for the pain I'm going through. 
I've had so many needles, that I'm looking like a sieve, 
      G                              G7           C
and I promise you that spider hasn't very long to live. 
There was a redback on the toilet seat, 
when I was there last night, 
  D                              D7               G
I didn't see him in the dark, but boy, I feIt his bite. 
   C                            F
And now I'm here in hospital, a sad and sorry plight, 
      G                                 G7               C
and I curse that redback spider on the toilet seat last night.
Но если и музыка нас оставит, что будет тогда с нашим миром? (Гоголь)
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