Аккорды Sweeney's Men - Sullivan's John

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 02 Апреля 2024г.
Просмотров: 41
D  C  D  A

D          A            D           C
Sullivan's John, to the road you've gone
    D              A      D
Far away from your native home
You've gone with the tinker's daughter
    D                 A
Far along the road to roam
D                   C
Sullivan's John you won't stick it long
          D                   A
Till your belly will soon get slack
          D         A           D      C
You'll be going the road with a mighty load
      D         A       D
And a toodlebox on your back

      D      A             D      C
I met Katy Cathay with her neat baby
     D             A              D
Twas behind on her back, strapped on
She'd an old ash plant in her hand
       D                A
For to drive her donkey on
D                  C
Enquiring at every farmer's house
   D                  A
As along the road she passed
       D               A          D      C
It's, "Where would she get an old pot to mend?"
    D               A       D
Or "Where would she swap an ass?"

  D          A           D      C
I heard of a fair in the County Clare
     D               A       D
At a place they call Spancel Hill
Where my brother James got a rap on the hames
         D                   A
And poor Paddy they tried to kill
     D                   C
They loaded him up on an ass'n cart
      D                        A
While Kate and Big Mary looked on
        D           A          D     C
Oh, bad luck to the day that I went away
   D           A        D
To join with a tinker's band

D          A            D           C
Sullivan's John, to the road you've gone
    D              A      D
Far away from your native home
You've gone with the tinker's daughter
    D                 A
Far along the road to roam
D                   C
Sullivan's John you won't stick it long
          D                   A
Till your belly will soon get slack
          D         A           D      C
You'll be going the road with a mighty load
      D         A       D
And a toodlebox on your back

D   C
D   A
D   A  D   C
D   A  D		
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