Аккорды Sydney Rose - The House I Grew Up In

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 15 Сентября 2024г.
Просмотров: 0
for easier chords transpose to -4 and play with capo on 4 fret
(mind that the chords will be a little misaligned then)


E F# G#m B
E    F#

[Verse 1]
 E        F#
When I die, I will find
  G#m         B               E  F#
A warmer light in the hallway
        E              F#
You'll carry me, I'll fall asleep
  G#m           B              E  F#
Under the sheets in my bedroom

        G#m  F#  B  D# E
In the house I grew up in
      G#m  F#    B     D#  E
Dirty feet and bruised-up skin
G#m F#  B D#  E
God is everywhere
    G#m  F#   B D#  E     F#
My walls are never there

[Verse 2]
     E             F#
The windowsill, my dad is still
  G#m           B            E            F#
I always will know the best hiding spots
   E                   F#
Christmas lights and sleepless nights
     G#m               B             E
Where I would find my mom asleep in her bed
The same bed

        G#m  F#  B  D# E
In the house I grew up in
      G#m  F#    B     D#  E
Dirty feet and bruised-up skin
G#m F#  B D#  E
God is everything
          G#m  F#     B  D#   E      F#
From the cups to the backyard graves

G#m F# B E
G#m F# B E

 G#m        F#
When I die, I will find
   B          E            G#m F# B E
A warmer light in the hallway
       G#m            F#
You'll carry me, I'll fall asleep
   B            E         G#m F# B E
Under the sheets in my bedroom
 G#m        F#
When I die, I will find
   B          E           G#m F# B E
A warmer light in the hallway

        G#m  F#  B  D# E
In the house I grew up in
      G#m  F#    B     D#  E
Dirty feet and bruised-up skin
G#m F#  B D#  E
God is everywhere
        G#m  F#   B  D#   E      F#
And my ghost sits on the stairs, mm-mm
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