Аккорды Taylor Swift - Long Time Going

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 11 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 24
D                                        G
I got a lying smile I never put out for you
            D                                    A
Cause I guess I never felt like I really needed to
And they say little girls have big dreams
G                                              D A     Em
And nothing in the world was gonna come between me and you

               D           A
And it was a long time coming
          G                                     A
I waited half my life just to find someone like you
            D                          A
I spent a long time finding out love hangs around after you walk out
G                      A          D
Not knowing it'd be a long time going

                D                                             G
They say it's better to have lost than never to have loved at all
                  D                                 A
And I say, whoever said that didn't have too far to fall
And they say little girls are so naive
G                                          D A     Em
That wasn't how it was supposed to be with me and you

               D           A
And it was a long time coming
          G                                     A
I waited half my life just to find someone like you
            D                          A
I spent a long time finding out love hangs around after you walk out
G                      A          D
Not knowing it'd be a long time going

I've burned my bridges, had sleepless nights
Washed my sins on the neon lights
              D    A     G          A
And I'm still not over you

               D           A
And it was a long time coming
          G                                     A
I waited half my life just to find someone like you
            D                          A
I spent a long time finding out love hangs around after you walk out
G                      A          D
Not knowing it'd be a long time going

A long time going

D                                                          G
And it will be a long time, long time going
D         A        G
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh

D                                                          G
And it will be a long time, long time going
D         A        G
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh
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