Аккорды Taylor Swift - Point Of View

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 11 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 32
Capo on 3
G                                                      D
Time is passing slowly for the eight year old next door
           C                           F                     G
But mama's watch is ticking off the wall
G                                                   D
Jillian and Bobby think that they're a perfect pair
        C                                F                    G
But girls could say he's just a bit too tall
You don't have to do to win big
You just have to think it
Some folks say the glass is half full
Others choose to drink it

G                         D
Some say the grass could be greener
               C                        D
And the other side ain't far away
      G               D
But I say the old could be newer    
         C                                             D
And love still counts when it doesn't stay
G              F           C
Some say I love you
G                 F                   C
Some say love needs proof
       C         F                     G
It's all in your point of view
G                                                 D
He hated pink so she threw out her favorite clothes
       C                F             G
His NFL was turned to TLC
G                                                 D
Baby's got an attitude and thinks they just don't know
         C                        F                                 G
But they all do and wish that she could see

You don't have to do to win big
You just have to think it
Some folks say the glass is half full
Others choose to drink it

G                         D
Some say the grass could be greener
               C                        D
And the other side ain't far away
      G               D
But I say the old could be newer    
         C                                             D
And love still counts when it doesn't stay
G              F           C
Some say I love you
G                 F                   C
Some say love needs proof
       C         F                     G
It's all in your point of view
C                              D
In the least or masterpiece
      F                            D
Depends on one's opinion                
  C                             D
Worst of all they never call
                    F               C                        D
But don't think that they weren't wishing

G                         D
Some say the grass could be greener
               C                        D
And the other side ain't far away
      G               D
But I say the old could be newer    
         C                                             D
And love still counts when it doesn't stay
G              F           C
Some say I love you
G                 F                   C
Some say love needs proof
       C         F                     G
It's all in your point of view

      C         F                      G    C
It's all in your point of view  
                  G   C
Point of view
      C        F                       G
It's all in your point of view
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