Аккорды The Holy Modal Rounders - Random Canyon

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 16 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 38
The chord progression from 
the first verse repeats for the rest of the song.

[Verse 1]
G                      F                 G               F
Take me back to Random Canyon, where the gryphons always gryphon,
        G          C            D
And the unicorn is horny in the Spring,
          G              C          A             D
Where the crystal coyote calls over sleepy garden walls,
        G               F              D
And the Wireless Wombat wanders on the wing
        G               D              G
And the Wireless Wombat wanders on the wing

[Verse 2]
G                F            G              F
By my mislocated mesa with my counterfeit contessa,
       G         C             D
Who is secretary for the local grange.
        G           C              A           D
And the psychedelic sage keeps the cattle in a rage,
        G                 F              D
And the changing range is getting mighty strange
        G                 D              G
And the changing range is getting mighty strange

[Verse 3]
G                            F             G              F
There I’ll spend each golden year watching all the cattle veer
   G               C                D
No sight I’ve ever seen evokes more charm
           G              C           A           D
Though the dragons fly by night, they very seldom bite
    G                F                D
But if you mess with one he’ll do you harm
    G                D                G
Yes if you mess with one he’ll do you harm

[Verse 4]
G                    F               G             F
I believe I'll never leave, and I'll never have to grieve,
       G                C             D
When I get back to that canyon that I love.
      G                 C               A                 D
Other canyons aren't as deep, and their walls inclined to seep,
        G               F              D
You can take your other canyons and go shove
        G               D              G
You can take your other canyons and go shove

[Verse 5]
G                   F             G             F
I'm a Random Canyon fan, and I'll mess with any man,
    G                  C             D
Who denies that Random Canyon is the best.
          G             C              A              D
You won't find a canyon greater either side of the equator
       G             F            D
Random Canyon is the glory of the West
       G             D            G
Random Canyon is the glory of the West
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